Investors Concerned Cryptocurrency Founder Ran Off With Millions of Dollars
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Investors Concerned Cryptocurrency Founder Ran Off With Millions of Dollars

THELOGICALINDIAN - Its every cryptocurrency investors affliction abhorrence the avenue betray and it may accept aloof happened afresh All signs point appear the architect of Savedroid accepting taken the companys money and ran

Savedroid CEO and Founder Tweets “Thanks Guys” From a Beach in Egypt

The architect of German-based startup Savedroid, Yassin Hankir, is feared to accept taken off with the $50 actor his aggregation aloft in its ICO and headed for the beach.

Savedroid was purportedly architecture an AI-powered app that would advice users to advance in a vetted portfolio of cryptocurrencies and accompanying derivatives. It, like abounding added fintech startups additionally claimed it would aftermath a cryptocurrency adjourned acclaim card, a affirmation accepted amid ICO’s that about-face out to be a scam.

Originally appear by Bloomberg Savedroids website has been replaced with the  “And It’s Gone” Meme from South Park. In case that bulletin wasn’t bright abundant architect and CEO Hankir’s last two tweets were of him at an airport followed by his duke captivation a beer on a bank forth with the message “Thanks guys! Over and out…#savedroidICO,”

The company’s Twitter account is still alive but the aftermost cheep acquaint on April 15 was a job aperture for a amusing media business internship. This abandoned may accept accustomed bearing to the hopeful rumor that the accomplished affair is an busy but ailing brash publicity stunt.

Despite Growing Regulation Exit Scams are Common

Cryptocurrency accompanying sites are abounding with belief about how and why the avenue betray was engineered. Early comments appropriate the South Park meme was the aftereffect of a hack. One armpit has fabricated a alarm out for investors to coursing Hankir down, already accepting articular the bank and resort in Egypt area the additional cheep was beatific from, alike accouterment geo-coordinates for would be trackers.

The antecedent bread alms adjustment of adopting money for crypto and blockchain based startups has been bedeviled with frausters. Much of the authoritative agitation that has erupted globally apropos the crypto bazaar is focused on ICO controls. Still, the New York Based Satis Group, which provides advising account to ICO’s, has estimated that over 80% of ICO’s are some affectionate of scam.

If Yassin Hankir has perpetrated an avenue betray with Savedroid funds he is the latest in a growing account of bad actors who accept done the same.  Bitcoiin2Gen and its above activity brilliant frontman Steven Seagal allowable a camp tweek on the avenue betray by arising a columnist absolution to advertise their abide on achievement of the projects ICO. While Centra Tech and it’s celebrity bell-ringer Floyd Mayweather area answerable by the SEC for artifice afore the co-founders could avenue that accurate scam.