Invictus and IBM Create Order, Logistics and Payment Platform
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Invictus and IBM Create Order, Logistics and Payment Platform

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hyperledger Project is boring accepting accepting amid both accumulated and startups akin A Linux Foundation action Hyperledger has accustomed abutment from some of the arch technology cyberbanking and cyberbanking giants As far as its antecedent acceptance goes startups like Invictus has abutting the brand of Maersk to actualize blockchainbased applications in accord with IBM

The Singapore-based Invictus has become the latest aggregation to accompany armament with IBM to actualize a artefact on Hyperledger’s Fabric blockchain that afresh entered the “production ready” phase. According to reports, the Order, Logistics, and Payment (OLP) belvedere actuality created by Invictus with IBM Bluemix Garage will advice businesses access their abundance while decidedly acid bottomward costs.

The ancestor OLP belvedere on Hyperledger Fabric will advice startups, baby and average enterprises to calmly assassinate and administer affairs amid their suppliers, banks and clamminess providers. The Chairman of Invictus, Lim Soon Hock was quoted by media outlets saying,

“INVICTUS offers added than an e-procurement platform. We focus on demography the abiding affliction out of the aftermost mile of a transaction by accretion admission to costs from third affair clamminess providers, in accession to banks. Through our blockchain acute arrangement technologies and alive collaboratively with IBM, we achievement to agitate this aftermost mile by enabling defended and cashless costs as aboriginal as the acquirement adjustment stage.”

The artefact already implemented will prove accessible to bags of startups beyond the world. It will advice them accretion admission to the much-required basic to accommodated the assembly and commitment requirements after actuality heavily abased on big-ticket VC investments or high-interest loans.

It is yet addition win for IBM, which afresh appear its accord with all-around aircraft and acumen behemothic Maersk to actualize a blockchain band-aid to clue millions of aircraft containers beyond the apple in absolute time. The Fabric based blockchain band-aid intends to braiding in shippers, bales forwarders, and community departments to actualize a accepted system.

All these cardinal collaborations and blockchain casework offered by IBM has fabricated it one of the arch billow solutions provider in the cryptocurrency technology area alongside Microsoft’s Azure.