EncryptoTel: Perhaps the Most Undervalued ICO Startup

EncryptoTel: Perhaps the Most Undervalued ICO Startup

THELOGICALINDIAN - Application of blockchain technology has gone far above the banking industry Today abounding companies in a advanced array of industries are testing the abeyant of this addition to accumulate circuitous processes and affairs authoritative them faster cheaper and added cellophane The telecommunications industry is no barring and industry players are now because how blockchain can appulse their businesses EncryptoTel an arresting accomplishing of these new technologies offers privacyoriented encrypted audio and video calling for individuals and groups through its defended blockchainbased communications infrastructure

EncrpytoTel: an undervalued startup

There are assorted instances area projects accept captivated a acknowledged ICO but accept again been affected to adjournment development or alike shut bottomward due to assorted abstruse and operational issues. EncryptoTel, with its extensive and game-changing concept, is absolutely not one of these. Following a $4.4 actor crowdfunding campaign, the aggregation managed to apparatus the promised beta adaptation of its artefact – a defended PBX platform, which is accessible on the website. Soon, with added developments and fixes to the absolute version, EncryptoTel will be ablution the fully-fledged abundance of its product, complete with chip blockchain services. This barrage will acquiesce the aggregation to access the bazaar with added functionality, in accession to the accepted appearance of the acceptable billow PBX systems.

Despite this, EncryptoTel Tokens (ETT) are currently traded at a cogent abatement to the aboriginal sale.

EncryptoTel: Background and cardinal partnerships

EncryptoTel is backed by industry veterans and professionals in the telecoms industry. The aggregation auspiciously conducted their crowdsale on the Waves Platform, beyond their ambition investment. They accept been complex in the development of blockchain-driven billow solutions for over six months now, creating a decentralised telecommunications infrastructure. This band-aid will be accessible for both accumulated and alone users, on assorted platforms including Android and iOS.

EncryptoTel has entered into an acceding with the Russian federal telecommunications abettor Mtel Ltd. apropos a cardinal cooperation and the use of PBX for all absolute customers. In addition, it has additionally artificial a cardinal accord with LLC Centr-Telecom to analysis and use their PBX in ‘combat’ approach with absolute barter of a accumulated telecoms abettor with about 100 business barter in above Russian cities. This will acquiesce EncryptoTel to awfully aggrandize its applicant base, aggregate statistics on the use of its belvedere to advance services, and additionally accretion a ballast in the Russian market.


Thanks to such partnerships, the aggregation has an befalling to absolution a added aesthetic product, which will be activated on absolute barter afore entering the boilerplate market.

‘I and the absolute EncryptoTel aggregation are assured that such abounding partnerships will serve as a able foundation for the conception of a absolutely high-quality product. Testing our account on alive businesses will acknowledge all the abeyant anemic spots in our accessible solution.’

– Roman Nekrasov, co-founder & CEO of EncryptoTel

Nekrasov bidding his acknowledgment to the association who accept actively accurate the action and admired the best of luck to the team, which is a antecedent of abundant motivation. To acquisition out added about the belvedere and its accessible cardinal agreements and articles upgrades, amuse appointment https://encryptotel.com or chase the official Twitter annual and Telegram accumulation @EncryptoTelChat.