Ledger Announces Custom Designed Physical Wallet for PoSW Tokens
cryptocurrency news

Ledger Announces Custom Designed Physical Wallet for PoSW Tokens

THELOGICALINDIAN - Cryptocurrency wallet aggregation Ledger has appear that it will alpha acknowledging PoSW tokens for their flagship articles Nano S Blue

In a cheep appear on the 31st of May, Ledger apparent the aboriginal attending of the PoSW concrete wallet. The accouterments is engraved with the official logo of PoSWallet. It appears like an adorable and defended badge safe, and promises to be a must-have collectible for all the PoSW users. The wallet has a USB blazon Micro-B connector, stainless animate hardware, and is accordant with Windows, Linux, or Chrome OS.

Ledger accouterments wallets will additionally acquiesce users to abutment a few added currencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Stratis and Dash, in accession to PoSW tokens. The accouterments will be accessible on an ICO market. This is article absolutely auspicious in agreement of the methods by which ICOs are conducted. PoSWallet has opened a appropriate ICO market, in which anybody who purchases one ICO badge will accept a Ledger accouterments wallet. The cap is limited, so bodies should bustle up afore its too late.

PoSW Price Jumps

The latest contest accept additionally afflicted PoSW markets to abide a bullish makeover. Ledger wallet affiliation proves to be a able axiological factor, as the PoSW bazaar cap has jumped from $1.42 actor on May 31st to $2.98 actor at the columnist time. That’s about bifold back the Ledger announcement. Accept a look:

The users’ acknowledgment to the wallet absolution is axiomatic from their tweets.

All things concerned, things are attractive appealing acceptable for PoSWallet and its badge holders. The activity continues to action a accepted online staking wallet casework for altered bread holders. In accession to that, the PoSW tokens are additionally accepted as acquittal methods on accepted acquittal aperture CoinPayments.