Pop Culture Shift: Nike Forays into Crypto as Technology Continues Going Mainstream
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Pop Culture Shift: Nike Forays into Crypto as Technology Continues Going Mainstream

THELOGICALINDIAN - What started off as a cultlike accumulation of supporters abaft a absolutely beginning and ambiguous technology has rapidly acquired into a common abnormality that has consistently affective account in boilerplate account outlets and has sparked some above controversies The crypto industry is still absolutely adolescent but is rapidly growing and is boring entering the apple of boilerplate finance

More impressively, however, is how crypto is bound award itself in the centermost of a new pop ability trend that embraces the technology with above rap stars, movies, and now Nike, authoritative strides to accessory themselves with the beginning technology.

Cryptokicks? Crypto May Soon be Coming to Feet Near You…

Although it may assume somewhat unconventional, accoutrement behemothic Nike is now foraying into the crypto markets, filing an application with the United States Patent and Brand Office (USPTO) to brand with byword “Cryptokicks.”

Nike’s absorption in the crypto markets extends above artlessly authoritative collectible crypto-themed clothes and shoes, as the aggregation addendum in the application that they are attractive to action “online exchange services, namely, accouterment a exchange for buyers and sellers of agenda bill assets.”

Although the capacity are dispersed at the moment, Nike does agenda that they appetite to accommodate advice apropos to “crypto-collectible customization,” but it charcoal cryptic as to whether or not this refers to crypto-themed Nike products.

Furthermore, Nike additionally explains that they are attractive to accommodate a website that appearance technology that “enables users to mine, earn, purchase, accept by any added means, store, and alteration blockchain-based tokens, coins, cryptocurrencies, and added crypto assets.”

Josh Gerben, the architect of a cast law firm, batten about the Cryptokicks cast appliance in a contempo tweet, answer in a video that it “appears to be a filing for a cast of a cryptocurrency,” referencing the allotment of the appliance area Nike says “providing a agenda bill or agenda badge for use by associates of an on-line association via a all-around computer network,” as affidavit of their intent.

Cryptocurrency Infiltrates Modern Pop Culture

Recently, crypto has more begin its way into avant-garde pop culture, with contempo account breaking apropos rap brilliant Lil Pump accepting Bitcoin as a anatomy of acquittal on his online abundance that sells his branded merchandise.

This account comes as added boilerplate artists accept additionally bidding their absorption in the technology, with Eminem, Soulja Boy, and others all referencing Bitcoin in some of their top songs.

Moreover, a cine appropriately blue-blooded “Crypto” was afresh released, starring above actors including Kurt Russell, Luke Hemsworth, and others. Although the cine was met with mixed reviews and endless of criticism, it is addition affirmation of how cryptocurrencies are rapidly award themselves at the centermost of a pop ability about-face in favor of agenda and decentralized technologies.