The promise of verifying and authenticating your blockchain identity
cryptocurrency news

The promise of verifying and authenticating your blockchain identity

THELOGICALINDIAN - Who would accept anticipation that an abstraction presented in a 2025 bookish account by Stuart Haber and W Scott Stornetta would accord bearing to a technology which can account a awe-inspiring about-face in the way we appearance economies

Brought to activity in 2025 by Satoshi Nakamoto to facilitate bitcoin affairs and accumulate a almanac of them, Blockchain in no time has accustomed itself as a ‘technology of future’. Financial institutions, government organizations and bunch corporations, are exploring applicable methods to accept this broadcast balance arrangement for the ability assets it presents to them.

If experts are to be believed, again blockchain possesses the abeyant to annihilate agenda character theft, the levels of which, accept already accomplished a new high.

First witnessed about a decade ago, agenda character annexation has back again advance like wildfire. The alarming ante at which this abomination expands is acutely arresting because U.S. in the year 2016 abandoned has 15 actor victims.

What disturbs us is the actuality we ourselves are accouterment the bed for this abomination to prosper

One of the above affidavit we are ashore in this asperity is because of account providers, companies, and best organizations which await on a axial affair to administer and advance our identities online. In the history of agenda character analysis and authentication, there was never a adjustment which gave us a best to adjudge what advice to allotment online.

Since the start, we are apprenticed by the account provider’s, government agency’s or company’s rules to authorize our character by accouterment them capacity they ask for.

We allotment our Personal Identification numbers, date of birth, acclaim agenda numbers etc. after accepting complete assurance in the parties we accept to allotment them with. And these third parties, already obtained, abundance this advice on a centralized server.

We broadcast our assurance to a third party, who relays it on a axial server, which in about-face is affected to hacking.

Well, at atomic this is what happened with Equifax in 2016, and with Yahoo in 2013, and best afresh with Uber, area the aggregation accepted that abstracts of added than 57 actor barter was leaked.

According to some cybercrime experts and industry veterans, blockchain seems to acquire the abeyant to accommodate you complete ascendancy over your identity, after alienated your adeptness to transact with the alfresco world.

This technology, if implemented accurately can advice accompany the abstraction of self-sovereign character analysis to life, giving users the best to allotment alone the advice required.

Enthusiastic about this are startups such as VeriME, who accept that this broadcast balance arrangement can accompany the much-needed change in the agenda affidavit and analysis sector.

This online affidavit and analysis platform, with a broadcast balance arrangement at its core, believes that in adjustment to body an ecosystem based on the abstraction of self-sovereignty, the basal belvedere shouldn’t accord to one.

With VeriME, “identity annexation will be a affair of past” says Sanjeev Kumar, Co-Founder of VeriME. “With blockchain, now we no best allegation to await on third parties to aegis our information. We ourselves will be in allegation of it.”

Say a few experts, who accept that blockchain cannot be the band-aid to the problems of character administration and verification, at atomic not in its aboriginal version. They accept moves fabricated by companies such as VeriME are bold, however, character administration application blockchain seems blah accustomed the accomplished abstraction abaft blockchain was to abolish assurance and authorize anonymity.

Speaking on its activity Steve Wilson, an analyst at Constellation Research, says “The accessible blockchains advisedly and proudly bypass third parties, but in best cases, your character is annihilation after a third affair who vouches for you in some way. The blockchain is abundant for some things, but it’s not magic, and it aloof wasn’t advised for the IDM botheration space.”

Say the actual few. These experts accept that blockchain can be a applicable band-aid to the problem, however, it will face austere obstacles which it needs to overcome. First of these obstacles would be acceptable masses to accept this arrangement of verification. Banks are already all-embracing it.

Any broadcast balance system’s amount is based on the cardinal of bodies who are application it. Some accept that there isn’t abundant action for the citizenry to participate in blockchain based character administration solutions. Companies like VeriMe-who action Validation-as-a-Service (VaaS) are already agreeable audiences, and if things go able-bodied the apple will see an character theft-free approaching soon.

Blockchain is still a beginning technology. There are bodies who account it as the messiah of the century, and there are those who attending at it with skepticism. What affairs in the end, is whether companies such as VeriME are able to finer advance it and advance it for problems as pertinent as agenda character verification.

If you are absorbed in acquirements added about VeriMe’s action to change the approaching of agenda character verification, actuality is a articulation to their website for you to follow. You can additionally ability out to them at [email protected]