CB of South Korea: Bitcoin Is a Commodity Not a Currency
cryptocurrency news

CB of South Korea: Bitcoin Is a Commodity Not a Currency

THELOGICALINDIAN - The axial coffer of South Korea appear on Monday that they would not accede Bitcoin a bill but rather as a article According to Yonhap News Lee Juyeol the banks governor refuted the angle that cryptocurrency should be advised acknowledged tenderAt a aldermanic affair in Seoul he said

Regulation (of basic currencies) is adapted because it is admired as a commodity. It [cannot be] adapted at the akin of a currency.

The acknowledgment on Monday comes as the aboriginal account from the nation of South Korea apropos agenda bill back the ban on antecedent bread offerings which came into abode afterward China’s agnate cardinal this September.

Speaking in South Korea’s capital, Lee Ju-yeol claimed that the amplitude bare added adjustment on the area that cryptocurrency was a commodity, rather than a acknowledged currency. He continued, however, to accept that:

It is not a bearings for the Bank of Korea to booty such an activity at the present.

During Monday’s National Assembly analysis of the Bank of Korea, both the governor of the academy and a Democratic Party politician, Song Young, declared that the bank’s analysis into basic bill could use improvement.

This is admitting a digital bill assignment force actuality created beforehand this year to analysis abeyant adjustment and licensing issues surrounding Bitcoin and Bitcoin exchanges. It was after appear that the accumulation bootless to ability accord about how cryptos should be advised legally. On Monday, however, Lee apprenticed to chase the archetype of such nations as Sweden in their attitude and analysis of capacity surrounding cryptocurrency.

The axial coffer advertisement comes aloof weeks afterwards a affair with the IMF in which the Asian bread-and-butter ability agreed to footfall up their administration of cryptocurrency-related affairs aural their borders. However, for now, it seems that the planet’s third better trader of cryptocurrency will abide chargeless of regulation, although according to Monday’s announcement, the canicule in which traders can adore this alternative are absolutely numbered.


Editor’s Note: Translations of quotations in accordance with IBS Intelligence’s reporting.