The Nightly Mint: Daily NFT Recap
cryptocurrency news

The Nightly Mint: Daily NFT Recap

THELOGICALINDIAN - Coinbases NFT exchange has underwhelmed by all intents and purposes and this above coffee monster continues to allure babble about NFT assurance Will either of them bear in the longrun

Only time will tell, but in the meantime, we’ll grab a circadian dosage of Nightly Mint to epitomize some of Thursday’s NFT activity.

The Nightly Mint

Latest Mint: Coinbase NFT Marketplace Struggles

According to Dune data, Coinbase’s NFT exchange absolution to the accessible has been awfully disappointing. The exchange has beneath than 2,000 users at time of publishing, and the beta absolution – which had bound admission alone to baddest users – was additionally broadly advised as decidedly black (after continued hype) from the community.

In today’s market, expectations are high, are the charge for top-tier players to bear at a exceptional akin is about area the bar is set. To date, few marketplaces accept appear articles that accept apparent the abeyant to absolutely attempt with some of the committed exchange articles that accept accustomed early-mover advantage.

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Starbucks Loyalty Program

We’ve covered Starbucks absorbed to burrow into NFTs in contempo weeks, and now we’re audition added as the coffee behemoth looks to affected added struggles throughout it’s business.

Starbucks is slated to barrage it’s aboriginal NFT absolution ancient after this year, and is reportedly aiming to accommodate them into it’s massive adherence affairs – which boasts over twenty actor alive members.

The ‘Minty Fresh’ Take

Can NFTs serve as the ultimate on-ramp for newcomers?

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