Value Locked in Defi Sheds $55 Billion in 2 Months, Ethereum's Defi Dominance Loses 14%

Value Locked in Defi Sheds $55 Billion in 2 Months, Ethereum's Defi Dominance Loses 14%

THELOGICALINDIAN - The cryptoeconomy has been sliding in amount during the aftermost 48 hours as the accepted bazaar appraisal for all 13000 crypto assets is 183 abundance Furthermore the absolute amount bound TVL in decentralized accounts defi protocols has slipped beneath the 200 billion mark to 20242 billion on Sunday morning EST Meanwhile Ethereums ascendancy is 5554 of the accepted accumulated TVL captivated in defi today with 10888 billion

Value Locked in Defi Protocols Sink, Ethereum Loses Decentralized Finance Dominance

The amount in defi protocols has slipped from the $251 billion mark at the end of December 2021, to today’s accepted $196.02 billion. That’s a bead of about 21.91% in USD amount during the aftermost two months.

On Sunday, March 6, 2022, the accepted TVL captivated in defi has added 0.11% during the aftermost 24 hours with Curve Finance assertive the agreement pack. Curve’s $17.88 billion TVL represents 9.12% of the TVL captivated in defi, as it added 0.64% during the aftermost week. Curve is followed by Makerdao ($15.15B), Lido ($12.79B), and Convex Finance ($12.58B).

Ethereum still dominates the TVL in defi this weekend, but alone by 55.59%, according to alternation stats. On October 5, 2021, ETH defi ascendancy was 69% and over the aftermost bristles months, it afford 14% dominance. Today, Terra holds the second-largest defi TVL with $22.67 billion locked, and added than bisected bound into the Anchor protocol.

Terra is followed by BSC ($11.71B), Avalanche ($10.74B), and Fantom ($7.69B) in agreement of TVL captivated in defi protocols on Sunday. Solana’s defi TVL this weekend is $6.83 billion bottomward added than 5% during the aftermost seven days.

At columnist time, there are 381 decentralized barter (dex) platforms captivation a accumulated TVL of about $64.65 billion. abstracts shows Uniswap v3 is the top dex this weekend with $856.6 actor in 24-hour volume.

Uniswap v3 is followed by Pancakeswap ($317M), Spookyswap ($270M), Curve ($155M), and Astroport ($155) in agreement of circadian dex volumes. The top three arch acute arrangement belvedere tokens in agreement of seven-day assets accommodate after-effects (WAVES) up 51% this week, lisk (LSK) up 28.9% and wanchain (WAN) jumped 23.6%.

On March 6, there’s currently $23.37 billion absolute amount bound in cross-chain bridges to Ethereum, according to Dune Analytics’ metrics. Leading cross-chain arch TVLs accommodate blockchains like Avalanche, Polygon, Fantom, Ronin, and Arbitrum respectively.

Presently there are 25 decentralized accounts (defi) oracles and Chainlink dominates the pack. Chainlink secures $52.23 billion in amount beyond 141 protocols, as it has an answer ascendancy of about 54.83% on Sunday morning.

What do you anticipate about the activities angry to the decentralized accounts (defi) space? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

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