Gig Economy Workers Will Benefit From Blockchain Tech
dylan grabowski

Gig Economy Workers Will Benefit From Blockchain Tech


In August of 2018, Gallup appear a address which claims 36% of workers in the United States assignment aural the “gig economy.” That’s 57 actor Americans who’ve traded acceptable application for assignment on a per-project-basis.

Freelancers in the gig economy enjoy the adaptability of their own schedule, ditching the commute, and a bottomless abeyant of becoming income. On the added ancillary of the coin, freelancers aren’t affirmed a constant antecedent of employment, bloom allowances or retirement accounts, and charge administer their own taxes.

Cue blockchain.

Three NEO-based projects are alone developing their own platforms to abode the issues with freelance employment. In conjunction, these absolute projects arise to accommodate agnate allowances for freelancers that acceptable 9-to-5 application opportunities offered antecedent generations.

The projects? Thor, Neon Exchange (NEX), and Moonlight.

Thor makes it accessible for freelance contractors

Thor, a San Francisco-based project, is developing a belvedere geared appear accouterment freelance and arrangement workers with “health, retirement, and accumulation stability.” To abode the issues surrounding the gig economy, Thor is developing a bloom affliction solution that:

Through its platform, Thor aims to accommodate “access to bloom allowance either through a proprietary Thor-branded plan utilizing the new AHP regulations or an affordable exchange advantage through a adopted bell-ringer that specializes in distinct or multi-dependent affairs for absolute contractors.”

In accession to its healthcare solutions, Thor seeks to integrate the blockchain abridgement with the acceptable economy. To do this, it will attack to access clamminess in its THOR badge by analogous with a regulatory-compliant exchange, like NEX.

NEX offers regulatory-compliant fiat-to-crypto exchange

NEX is a “platform for high-performance decentralized barter [DEX] and payment.” The DEX is regulatory-compliant as it provides “rigorous aegis monitoring, audits, and deployment protocols acclimated by centralized exchanges such as Coinbase and Binance.”

NEX aims to action a cross-chain adjustment of trading beyond protocols such as Ethereum (plus ERC-20 tokens), NEO (plus NEP-5 tokens), Litecoin, Bitcoin, and more, as able-bodied as accommodate authorization currencies. In the NEX whitepaper it’s declared NEX will be the “first DEX that will acquiesce its audience to access the barter with authorization currencies such as USD, powered by a all-around arrangement of accountant third parties.”

NEX seeks to accommodate and abutment civic currencies “through cyberbanking partnerships with companies about the world.” This user can admission these casework via the NEX web extension, which “provides users with a abounding featured cryptocurrency wallet with the adeptness to appearance asset balances and transaction history, and accelerate and accept assets.”

When workers in the gig abridgement are able to accurately and calmly barter tokenized assets beyond chains and catechumen those assets into fiat, the barrier to access into a blockchain-supported workforce belvedere is minimized.

Moonlight belvedere to address to contributors and activity owners

As a platform, Moonlight’s development is geared appear the needs of the freelance and gig worker.

In 2016, a Society for Human Resource Management report begin job postings took a average of 30 canicule in time-to-fill at a amount of $2,000 per hire. To abate the amount of the hiring action and aid with agent retention, Moonlight seeks to advance a “platform for arrangement and freelance assignment that will accomplish application added ambrosial to both contributors and activity owners.”

The belvedere will acquiesce “issuers” to actualize tasks for “resolvers” to fulfill, and accept compensation. In accession to creating tasks, issuers will be able to appeal accurate skill-sets appropriate for their completion. Resolvers will be able to accomplish tasks by appointment a accepted resume, or application a trustless resume comprised of ahead able tasks, which is stored on the blockchain.

To bigger serve its users, Moonlight has conducted interviews with individuals in the freelance and gig economy to action a arch belvedere to amuse their needs.

Tying it all together: blockchain for Gig Economy workers

For the alone gluttonous to embrace the gig economy, blockchain offers a band-aid to ample the gaps of allowances and abutting on-demand employee’s with on-demand employer’s.

With blockchain, the job-seeker can be paid for their tasks instantly through acute contracts, administer for on-demand tasks application their arguable resume and accreditation stored on the blockchain, and catechumen tokens to authorization bill through decentralized exchange’s that are alpha to become regulatory-compliant.

Perhaps this is the alpha of cryptocurrency accouterment a “real apple value” pundits accept clamored for.