Bitmari Becomes First Bitcoin Company to Partner With an African Commercial Bank

Bitmari Becomes First Bitcoin Company to Partner With an African Commercial Bank

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitmari the better panAfrican wallet provider is authoritative history by partnering with the Zimbabwe Bank of Agriculture to accommodate bitcoin into their products

Also Read: Increased South African Bitcoin Adoption Highlights Need For Taxation Clarity 

Africa is able-bodied accurate as the world’s arena with the atomic developed cyberbanking area and the best underbanked citizenry. Bitcoin has continued been apparent as a abeyant band-aid to this problem, and abounding wallet providers and remittance casework accept flourished in Africa. Following the success of BitPesa, Bitmari has been amid the best acknowledged bitcoin companies in Africa, alms wallet and remittance casework to citizens in several altered nations.

In accession to partnering with the Zimbabwe Bank of Agriculture, Bitmari has activated for an all-embracing remittance authorization with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. If successful, Bitmari will become the region’s aboriginal accountant all-embracing remittance business based aloft bitcoin.

Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology Are Sure to Play an Increasingly Significant Role in Africa’s Economy Throughout 21st Century

Since actuality founded in 2015, Bitmari has generated abundant absorption through its altruistic programs advised to abetment changeable farmers, and Bitmari’s allegiant admiration to use the blockchain as an apparatus for political change. “We anticipate technology is a bigger adjustment of analytic problems than politics”, co-founder Sinclair Skinner declared in a 2016 account with Ebony Magazine. “Bitmari is utilizing the acumen of Zimbabwe and the assets of Silicon Valley to body fintech applications that will change the acceleration and adaptability of affairs throughout Africa,” Bitmari co-founder Christopher Mapondera told reporters in a recent interview.

Bitmari is acquisitive to action above remittance casework to Africa’s astronomic agronomical sector, which currently incurs absonant fees in adjustment accelerate and accept money internationally and barter amid currencies. With Africa’s agronomical consign industry accounting for about 50% percent of the region’s bread-and-butter activity, actuality able to bypass the accepted cyberbanking arrangement could acquiesce African farmers and businesses to accumulate a cogent added allotment of profits. “Blockchain technology will acquiesce Agribank and approaching aboriginal African banks to leapfrog acceptable remittance methods. Financial admittance creates empowerment and ultimately stronger economies,” declared Skinner.

Despite Bitmari’s moves appear partnering with boilerplate African banking institutions, there is actual little adjustment pertaining to bitcoin or cryptocurrency accustomed in Africa. Few nations accept offered official guidelines for businesses to accomplish within, nor accept proposals for government adjustment been developed. This absence of authoritative guidelines may present approaching challenges to Bitmari, as it seeks to bury its casework into the economies of nations who are yet to advance or accede regulations for cryptocurrency.

With over $60 billion USD absent from the African abridgement due to remittance fees, bitcoin and blockchain technology are abiding to comedy an more cogent role in Africa’s abridgement throughout 21st century.

Do you anticipate that Bitmari will be acknowledged in their appliance for an all-embracing remittance license? Share your thoughts below!

Images address of Shutterstock & Bitmari

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