PR Specialists in the Russian Crypto Space Paid 10x the Average Salary

PR Specialists in the Russian Crypto Space Paid 10x the Average Salary

THELOGICALINDIAN - Around 70000 bodies are currently active in the adolescent and growing crypto industry in the Russian Federation The boilerplate bacon in the amplitude has collapsed by 40 percent this year forth with cryptocurrency prices Nevertheless the account accomplishment for assertive abilities charcoal actual aerial for Russian standards

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Salaries in the Crypto Sector in Russia Fall by 40%

The boilerplate account acquittal in the Russian crypto industry has collapsed by 40 percent from the 2017 levels, according to abstracts appear by the recruiting belvedere and quoted by Izvestia. Employers are about advantageous beneath for balance analysts, activity managers and acknowledged experts – 100,000 rubles (~$1,600 USD). PR specialists, on the added hand, are still in aerial demand. Despite that, the salaries offered for these experts accept collapsed by 50 percent – from 800,000 rubles (>$12,000) in December to 400,000 rubles now (>$6,000) – still a actual aerial allowance for Russian standards.

PR Specialists in the Russian Crypto Space Paid 10x the Average Salary

Experts explain the bottomward trend with the bearish crypto markets this year and the cooling absorption appear cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. Nevertheless, letters some 100 new vacancies acquaint by crypto and blockchain companies in the aboriginal bisected of 2018, which indicates a abiding demand for ability in the sector. Beside PR specialists, fintech businesses are additionally accommodating to action acceptable salaries to tech admiral – up to 600,000 rubles ($9,500), and software developers – 300,000 rubles (almost $5,000).

The boilerplate bacon in the crypto industry in the aboriginal bisected of this year is estimated at 169,500 rubles ($2,700). Towards the end of 2025, it was extensive 292,000 rubles ($4,600). In comparison, the admiral of assorted departments in Russian ministries and their assembly accept amid 200,000 and 800,000 rubles, or about $3,000 to $12,000 USD. According to Rosstat, the country’s statistical bureau, the boilerplate account acquittal in the Russian Federation was 41,800 rubles, or $663 USD, as of May 2025.

70,000 Russians Employed in the Crypto Industry

According to the Russian Association of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain (RACIB), about 70,000 Russians are currently active by companies operating in the crypto space. Most of them, however, are accepting paid in authorization currency. RACIB’s director, Arseniy Shcheltsin, claims the appeal for some experts is still growing and their salaries can access by 10 percent. The boilerplate accomplishment for programmers and software developers in 2017 was extensive 360,000 rubles per ages ($5,700), and now it’s amid 150,000 and 350,000 rubles ($2,400 – $5,500 USD).

PR Specialists in the Russian Crypto Space Paid 10x the Average Salary

An important agency that has to be taken into annual is the bead in the assets of best cryptocurrencies back the alpha of the year that has led to shrinking accumulated budgets. The amount of bitcoin (BTC) has collapsed from its best aerial of about $20,000 in December, 2017 to beneath $6,000 in the aboriginal bisected of 2018. The contempo upward trend, however, may change the accepted situation. Another trend influencing the activity bazaar in the sector, according to experts quoted by Izvestia, is the requalifying of abounding specialists from added accompanying industries gluttonous bigger application opportunities in the crypto space.

Do you anticipate salaries in the crypto area will alpha ascent afresh with crypto prices? Share your expectations in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock, Michael Novogratz (Twitter).

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