DeFi Reinvented the ICO, It Flopped: Assessing the IDO

DeFi Reinvented the ICO, It Flopped: Assessing the IDO

THELOGICALINDIAN - IDOs can put crypto on a aisle to greater decentralization but the absolute action needs to be overhauled

Decentralized exchanges (DEXes) accept become a new way for crypto founders to accession capital. While the abstraction is novel, it’s burst until several above issues are solved.

The History of Token Offerings

Everybody complex with crypto during the assemblage in 2017 knows aloof how cool the ICO bubble was. New projects with overblow visions aloft alien amounts of allotment from able and retail investors in barter for about abortive tokens on their platform.

It’s a atypical idea. Like a approved banal bazaar IPO but absolute by the chargeless market. But after regulation, the bliss surrounding ICOs grew from advantageous banking addition to dangerous and awful over 2017. There are several instances of ICOs application advertising to advertise tokens to aimless investors. For example, Centra, an ICO that hired Floyd Mayweather to advance the sale, afresh accepted it had no affairs of carrying a absolute product.

A lot of 18-carat projects, like Kyber Network, were a allotment of this balloon and askance bottomward to accord their investors account since. But best that aloft money in 2017, like Centra, were bad actors capitalizing on broker greed.

In January 2025, the aiguille of the bubble, the absolute bazaar cap for accessible cryptocurrencies hit $761 billion. Eventually, the balloon popped, and investors rushed for the exit. For 2025, the bazaar cap of cryptocurrencies fell to $91 billion—an 88% drawdown. 

Sentiment started to aces up in January 2019 as Bitcoin staged a able assemblage from $3,000. Along with this bigger affect came the abstraction of IEOs. They are agnate to ICOs in about every aspect, except the projects are vetted by a cryptocurrency exchange. With IEOs, a badge alms is alone as able as the barter that facilitated the sale.

Binance IEOs accept apparent abiding amount performance, acknowledgment to the industry’s assurance in the company. The aforementioned cannot be said for IEOs on beneath acclaimed exchanges like LATOKEN or Cobinhood. Eventually, the advertising in IEOs died bottomward as Bitcoin’s amount began a abiding bottomward trend, proving that appeal for tokens is awful activated with accessible affect in the industry.

ICOs, But on a DEX

Everybody that’s been advantageous absorption to crypto for the aftermost two months is acquainted of the astronomic DeFi rally. With it, a new anatomy of adopting basic is emerging: IDOs.

An IDO, or “initial DEX offering,” is the latest way for crypto projects to advertise their tokens to the public. Notable IDOs accommodate COMP (Compound), BZRX (bZx Protocol), UMA (UMA Protocol), and MTA (mStable). So what’s so advocate about the concept?

Like IEOs are aloof ICOs facilitated by a centralized exchange, IDOs are ICOs on a decentralized exchange. The amount aberration amid IEOs and IDOs is that projects don’t charge an exchange’s permission to conduct an IDO. Instead of exchanges, articulate association associates are the ones who vet projects and tokens. This action is conceivably added favorable to projects because it incorporates a ambit of assorted opinions, but one should be alert of acutely biased assessments. 

IDOs and DEXes are a allotment of the push for crypto trading and advance to drift to decentralized services. Radical decentralization is the charge of the hour, abnormally as regulators start to about-face their absorption crypto. However, with decentralization acceptable added analytical by the day, IDOs are accepting favor amid investors. The synergy amid DeFi and its built-in exchanges reinforce the amount of DEXes in the ecosystem.

The abstraction still needs to be refined, as apparent by the UMA and mStable IDOs.

ICOs advantaged investors that set up advance funds because of their able look. Token allocations were appropriately skewed in favor of these participants, putting retail investors at a cogent disadvantage.

IDOs anchored this administration mechanic. COMP, BZRX, and UMA were conducted on Uniswap. Uniswap was perceived to be the easiest way to get tokens out in a fair manner. The teams seeded a Uniswap basin with amounts of ETH and their badge in a admeasurement that lined up with their adapted IDO price, giving the accessible admission to these tokens.

However, this adjustment of affairs a badge gave tech-savvy investors an edge.

With Uniswap IDOs, amount analysis can alone move upwards. If bodies bought tokens and dumped it aback into the pool, the amount could alone go as low as the IDO price, because the cardinal of tokens and ETH in the basin would artlessly backslide to their antecedent level.

Thus, there was an allurement to be the aboriginal buyer. Those who could automate the action were at a bright advantage.

mStable, a abiding asset swapping protocol, noticed this and approved to avoid the aforementioned fate by implementing a dual-legged IDO. The aboriginal leg was the bargain of some tokens on Mesa, a DEX that uses an bargain apparatus to achieve trades. The bargain adjustment meant anybody was on a akin arena field, behest adjoin anniversary added for tokens. So the best bids would be the winner, rather than the aboriginal bids.

By application an bargain the activity could authorize a fair bazaar price. Then, mStable would berry a Balancer basin with tokens at that adumbrated price. For the uninitiated, Balancer is an automatic bazaar that functions like Uniswap, alone with customizable weights for anniversary asset.

Unfortunately, this didn’t go as planned. Mesa relies on entities alleged solvers to assassinate trades. The solvers were unable to bright the MTA bargain for over 40 minutes, dabbling the sale. mStable was criticized for application a DEX that was still in beta for its badge launch.

The key to accurate decentralization is ensuring all activities are done on a belvedere that cannot be captured by one or a few able parties. IDOs are an accomplishment by DEXes to accomplish the action of an IEO permissionless. The claim of anniversary activity would be advised by the community. However, absolute credo isn’t abundant to about-face a eyes into reality. The accuracy is that none of the IDO models mentioned beforehand actualize reasonable agreement for either investors or those adopting capital.

The IDO, Future of Token Issuance?

Decentralizing badge arising is a net positive, but will crave a lot added acquaintance and education. That said, it is absurd that IDOs will absolutely alter ICOs and IEOs, as there is still a fair bulk of appeal for barter vetted programs.

IDOs could acquiesce for a added meritocratic system. But, projects application IDOs will charge to accept categorical beheading and able association abutment to accept a acknowledged badge sale.

The abstraction abaft cryptocurrencies is to decentralize money and finance. IDOs are a footfall in the appropriate direction, but the abridgement of an able way to do this is a above obstacle at the moment.

Orderbook based DEXes could break this affliction point, but it would absolute the bulk of basic a activity raises. On a Uniswap IDO, the activity adopting money can capitalize on the tokens’ ascent price. A anchored amount banned the project’s adeptness to abduction upside from the badge while a amphibian amount on an automatic bazaar maker ensures speculators are adored rather than 18-carat investors.

A advantageous accommodation amid fair arising and maximizing basic aloft will advice the IDO archetypal allure added accommodating participants on both abandon of the trade.