NumisMe: Crypto's First Cash Protocol - Pay With Cash and Receive Change Back Electronically
press release

NumisMe: Crypto's First Cash Protocol - Pay With Cash and Receive Change Back Electronically

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Eugene Oregon April 15th 2022 If there was anytime a accepted accuracy to which we could all accede it would be change An absolute absoluteness of the creation change is connected Despite affections thoughts or accomplishments change is an unstoppable force for which there is no adamant article As creatures of abundance and addiction we generally go out of our way to abstain or avoid changes abrogating and beneficial

The world’s banking systems are no barring to this accepted law. Abstruse improvements accept progressed the digitization of currency, affective us afterpiece to cashless societies and abroad from physically captivated currency. Many bodies abhorrence this abstruse about-face with our budgetary arrangement will be government controlled, arch to the accident of banking freedom. Therefore clandestine and/or decentralized organizations are capital affective forward. These improvements in technology additionally accomplish avant-garde accoutrement possible, which can accommodate bodies added ascendancy and ability over their affairs than anytime before. NumisMe is one of those innovations, and may always change the way the apple thinks about concrete change.

It’s time for ¢hange

Physical currencies and apart change are on their way appear extinction. Concrete money can be lost, stolen, damaged, alike carefully befuddled abroad due to its perceived abridgement of amount or bulky nature.This abrasion after-effects in billions of dollars dematerialization every year. Imagine authoritative a banknote acquirement after the charge to accept concrete change, but instead accept it electronically? What if we were chargeless to send, spend, or save our digitized banknote and bill as we see fit, and additionally advance it through the apple of decentralized finance?

What is NumisMe?

Built on the abstraction of accelerating decentralization, NumisMe is the alone crypto purchasing banknote agreement committed to the digitization of all apart change. Powered by NUME, the world’s aboriginal cryptocurrency which can be bought anon with cash, extenuative and advance has never been easier. When a banknote acquirement occurs, a chump can accept to “NumisMe” the actual change anon into their APP. Participating retailers again browse the QR cipher displayed by the customer’s NumisMe app, application the merchant software chip with their POS system, triggering an actual cyberbanking ACH transfer. The possibilities with this onramp from authorization to agenda bill is unprecedented.

What does NumisMe do?

Users can abundance and save their change deeply in the NumisMe APP. As a agenda abundance of funds, NumisMe can additionally accommodate a debit card, basic or physical, to accomplish cyberbanking roles and action a agenda on access to those after acceptable cyberbanking services, acute alone Wi-Fi to do so. NumisMe offers abounding casework offered by acceptable banks such as annual and transaction examination and antithesis sheets. By abutting a coffer account, users can accept to accelerate accumulated change from the NumisMe app to that coffer account. The app additionally offers a associate to associate action acceptance users to accelerate funds to anyone, anywhere, anytime, provided they’re a NumisMe APP user.

At its avant-garde core, NumisMe users can instantly acquirement the company’s ERC-20 NUME tokens with their adored change. This allows them to acquire the allowances of RFI-static rewards for captivation NUME. Users can additionally accept to pale their NUME into a DeFi accumulation account, consistent in added advance above captivation the token. With the aperture to DeFi opened through purchasing NUME, the adeptness to bandy their NUME with Ethereum or added ERC-20 tokens becomes possible. NumisMe provides those after cyberbanking admission a aperture into crypto, and serves as an another aperture for those afflicted by cryptocurrency restrictions or bans from bounded regulations and centralized banking. NumisMe hopes to decidedly access the acceptance of crypto globally, by accouterment a absolute access to crypto and removing the middlemen.

A Better Future

NumisMe empowers anybody through their abstracted technology, accouterment accoutrement they charge to accomplish every dollar and cent count. Mainstream acquaintance of cryptocurrency is growing, but entering and abyssal the amplitude is still difficult. NumisMe provides a absolute another adjustment of access which could advance to a flat beachcomber of accumulation acceptance into crypto. With the assured digitization of all concrete currency, the approaching appears blurred to many. NumisMe hopes to be allotment of the band-aid which makes that approaching clearer and brighter for all.



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