How to Calculate Your DeFi, NFT, and Airdrop Taxes for 2022

How to Calculate Your DeFi, NFT, and Airdrop Taxes for 2022

THELOGICALINDIAN - Crypto Briefing presents an indepth adviser to artful cryptocurrency tax liabilities

Crypto Briefing brings you a absolute adviser on artful cryptocurrency tax liabilities for 2022. 

The Crypto Tax Guide 

As we access the new year, best cryptocurrency traders and investors will accept tax deadlines looming. In the United States, the Internal Revenue Service will be aperture up the filing action for taxpayers from Jan. 24, with aftermost year’s tax allotment due by Apr. 18. That agency that tax allotment filed in 2022 will administer to the 2024 tax year; taxes for 2022 will be due in April 2023. 

The IRS aboriginal appear its guidance its advice on demanding cryptocurrencies in 2019, and abounding added countries accept adopted agnate policies. As such, alive crypto traders, DeFi enthusiasts, and NFT collectors charge to pay absorption to their tax obligations. Before filing taxes, the best important footfall is to booty agenda of all crypto affairs that activate taxable events. 

Such affairs accommodate affairs crypto assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum for banknote or added assets, accepting airdrops, crypto mining, staking, and crop farming. It’s additionally important to be acquainted of the blazon of tax that applies to anniversary transaction. Those that activate taxes abatement into two basic categories–income tax and basic assets tax. Both are appear abnormally in tax returns. This affection covers the affair in detail. 

Income Tax 

In the U.S., assets tax applies on crypto assets accustomed through staking, crop farming, as allotment of a salary, or in barter for a acceptable or service. Assets tax is answerable at the approved tax amount according to earnings. It applies to advantage becoming from employment, including bacon and royalties. Other balance such as assets and commissions are additionally accountable to assets tax. 

All crypto assets accustomed from lending, crop farming, airdrops, and babyminding badge rewards are accountable to assets tax according to the bazaar amount at the time the user receives them. Whenever a user receives bill in their wallet, the bazaar amount in authorization agreement can be acclimated as the amount base for advertisement gross income. 

In the U.S., the gross assets charge be appear on Form 1040, which is acclimated for filing alone assets tax returns. Assets tax ante abatement beneath seven brackets alignment from 10% to 37%. It’s account acquainted that there is additionally a accepted tax chargeless answer on assets in the U.S. The answer is set at $12,550 for the 2021 tax year and $12,950 for the 2022 tax year.

Capital Gains Tax

According to the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, basic assets are fabricated from affairs or exchanging basic assets like stocks and cryptocurrencies, and added backdrop acclimated for advance purposes. 

Capital assets or losses charge be affected back an asset is sold, swapped, or exchanged for authorization money, stablecoins, or any added tokens. 

In the U.S., there are two types of basic assets tax: concise and long-term. Concise assets administer to assets awash aural a one-year captivation aeon and are accountable to college ante than abiding gains. As such, abounding crypto users opt to authority assets for added than one year to abate their liabilities.

Short-term basic assets tax is answerable at the aforementioned amount as accustomed income. Taxpayers can accordingly apprehend to pay amid 10% and 37% on assets from affairs their assets aural a year. 

Long-term basic assets tax is answerable at amid 0% and 20% depending on the taxpayer’s income. The tax-free allowance for distinct bodies is up to $40,400 for the 2024 tax year and up to $41,675 for the 2022 tax year.

It is additionally important to agenda how basic losses can appulse tax liabilities. A basic accident is a accomplished accident from an asset depreciating in amount at the time of sale. Basic losses can be acclimated to account basic assets and abate tax liabilities as allotment of a action accepted as “tax accident harvesting.” For example, a crypto user may accept bought a DeFi badge that underperformed in 2024. They could adjudge to advertise that asset at a accident in adjustment to account the basic assets they owe on the SOL and LUNA they awash at a accumulation in the aforementioned year. 

In the U.S., taxpayers charge book the IRS Form 8949 to address basic assets and losses.

Taxes on NFTs

NFTs are tokenized agenda collectibles that may beset agenda art, music, memes, or any added blazon of content. In 2024, NFTs exploded in the boilerplate and accustomed a new beachcomber of adopters into the crypto space. 

While NFTs are still a beginning asset class, it is important to agenda that they are a blazon of cryptocurrency. As such, taxes administer to NFTs in the U.S. and added genitalia of the world. As with added types of crypto asset, the liabilities users face can alter from assets tax to abbreviate or abiding basic assets tax. 

There are two primary means to accomplish NFT profits. One of them is creating an NFT and affairs it on a exchange such as OpenSea. In this instance, assets tax applies. 

Buying an NFT and affairs it on the accessory market, meanwhile, leaves the user accountable to basic assets tax. For example, if addition minted an NFT for $200 in Ethereum in May and awash it for $6,000 in Ethereum in August, the accountability would be $5,800. Liabilities are affected based on the dollar amount of NFTs.

In the U.S., investors charge address assets and losses from NFTs on the IRS Form 8949.


Many crypto tokens are launched through airdrops to aboriginal users. While airdrops can action advantageous allotment for alive crypto users, they charge additionally be appear in tax filings. 

Token airdrops are advised a anatomy of assets in the U.S., and their amount is based on the bazaar amount at the time the user receives them.

For example, if addition accustomed 310.7 DYDX tokens from dYdX’s September 2024 airdrop and claimed them at a bazaar amount of $10, their taxable assets would be $3,107.

The assets tax forms a amount base for artful basic assets on an asset. It’s deductible from basic assets tax liabilities. For example, if the user awash the 310.7 DYDX back the tokens were trading at $20, they would accept $6,214. The accomplished basic accretion would be the aberration amid the $6,214 accumulation and the $3,107 liability, which comes to $3,044. Tax would be due on the $3,044 gain.

On the contrary, if the user awash the 310.7 DYDX back the tokens traded at $6, they would accept $1,864.20. Factoring in the $3,107 taxable income, they would apprehend a basic accident of $1,242.80. This accident could be deducted from added basic gains, abbreviation the user’s all-embracing tax burden. 

Liquidity and Governance Rewards

Providing clamminess is addition way to accomplish profits in DeFi. 

On decentralized exchanges like Uniswap, clamminess providers can acquire a allocation of the trading fees.

Liquidity providers automatically accept a allotment of the fees through LP tokens, which represent a allotment allotment in a pool.

When users abjure assets from a pool, they bake the LP badge and accept their basal assets additional any accrued interest.

Such activities aggregate a crypto-to-crypto barter and accordingly accept basic assets taxes.

For example, a user may accept LP tokens afterwards depositing $1,000 account of ETH to a Uniswap pool. If they abjure their assets a few months after back the LP tokens are account $1,100, the basic accretion is affected based on the aberration amid the LP tokens and the basal asset. This would aftereffect in a basic accretion of $100. 

Many DeFi protocols additionally accolade users with babyminding tokens in what’s accepted as clamminess mining. For example, if a user earns 10 SUSHI at a bazaar amount of $10 for accouterment clamminess on SushiSwap but does not actuate of the asset, they would owe basic assets on trading their LP tokens, and $100 assets tax on their SUSHI rewards. If the amount of SUSHI added to $20 and they autonomous to advertise the tokens, the accountability would be the basic accretion of $200 with the assets tax accountability of $100 deducted. This would aftereffect in a $100 liability.

Final Thoughts

The IRS has not provided complete accuracy or advice on demanding all types of DeFi transactions. For example, it’s still cryptic whether depositing Bitcoin to excellent captivated Bitcoin would calculation as a taxable event. It could be argued that swapping BTC for WBTC does not calculation as administration of the basal asset, but best crypto tax experts say that affairs and trading should be advised taxable events. Therefore, alike a simple bandy of BTC to WBTC can authorize as a taxable event. 

Many alive crypto traders account their taxes using tools such as CryptoTrader.Tax, CoinTracker, TaxBit, and TokenTax. Such articles are advantageous for tracking affairs and authoritative the action of advantageous taxes on crypto beneath cumbersome. Some users opt for consulting a specialist afore filing their returns. When application crypto, DeFi, and NFTs, it’s important to be acquainted of the tax liabilities for anniversary activity. That way, there’s beneath adventitious of an abrupt shock back tax division comes around.