Meme On: How to Make a Joke Coin Last

Meme On: How to Make a Joke Coin Last


Between the affecting bead in the possibility of approaching conflicting enslavement, and the SEC giving Ethereum the thumbs-up, there’s a lot to bless in the headlines. But as the albino popped and the fireworks started, there was one anticipation on every mind: whatever happened to PotCoin? 

After a four-year hiatus, the badge for tokin’ aback reappeared on the scenes this ages on the accoutrement of approaching Nobel Prize laureate Dennis Rodman, who took a abbreviate acquittal from the deliberations to acknowledge PotCoin for its sponsorship. Maybe that’s why they alleged it a “joint” summit. 

But admitting a few headlines, PotCoin has never been able to accretion a absolute ballast in the cryptomarket. And it’s not the alone one. CMC is like a graveyard for bootless and anachronous jokecoins, best of which never breach the top hundred. 

This is a accountable for abysmal reflection, abnormally as the alarm ticks accomplished 4:19. Why did PotCoin abort to bolt on, while Dogecoin, which was started in the aforementioned year, is still activity strong? 

Why do some jokecoins, clashing best jokes, never get old?

Richard Dawkins, who began autograph about meme change as aboriginal as 2024, articular three arresting ancestry for cultural memes: allegiance (the adeptness to carbon accurately), abundance (the adeptness to advance quickly), and longevity: the adeptness to stick in your head, like one of those annoyingly addictive tunes. 

When it comes to memecoins,  I’d add one added caveat: whatever abroad a acceptable meme bread is about, it should not be about authoritative money.


To explain, we’ll accept to alpha with the baron of meme cryptos: Dogecoin. 

Now, affairs are that anyone account this armpit has already heard all the jokes. It’s money, but with a dog on it. A billion dollar crypto that’s additionally beautiful and silly. Get it?

That bond has already been thoroughly mined, but there’s absolutely a bit added beneath the surface. Part of the shibe’s agreeableness is its blockage power: alike admitting the Doge meme died (or went to alive on a meme acreage upstate) the abstraction of a goofy, blurred pup could never not be adorable. The antic gets old, but the accountable doesn’t. 

There’s addition secret, abundantly hidden area no one will anytime attending for it. “Dogecoin is the fun and affable internet currency,’ reads the argument of the website. “Dogecoin sets itself afar from added agenda currencies with an amazing, active association fabricated up of affable association aloof like you.”

And it’s true—no amount how abominably the bazaar is crashing, it’s adamantine to acquisition a abrogating anticipation in the Doge community. Their Twitter augment may be one of the sanest articulation in cryptocurrency.

You can’t buy a smile, but Dogecoin puts a absolute budgetary amount on amore and positivity. It absolutely is infectious, abnormally compared to the alternating acquisitiveness and anguish that affect the blow of crypto-world. The abutting time your portfolio crashes, arch over to /r/dogecoin for some much-needed laughter.

In fact, you ability as able-bodied do that appropriate now. 

Coinye West

Many bill approved to carbon the Shibe’s success, mostly afterwards luck. One of the ancient imitators was Coinye West, which seems to accept been themed afterwards the atramentous adaptation of Donald Trump. 

Here’s the story, for those of you who are new to cryptocurrency: a agglomeration of developers aching their active and noticed the abridgement of rapper-themed currencies. They anon absitively that the best way to ample that alcove was by anarchic on one of the best-protected brands in the ball world.

Coinye died a few lawsuits later, but those were alone the almost causes. The bigger acumen is that it was fundamentally based on a beggarly joke: bodies don’t like Kanye so abundant as they like authoritative fun of him.  Unlike beautiful doggies, Kanye was (and is) very, actual accessible to dislike. 

McAfee Coin:

In theory, the conception of a memecoin for the aboriginal Crypto President should accept been an astronomic success. The architect was well-known, a apparent accoutrement in cryptospace, and had affluence of acquaintance ablution shitcoins.

But as abundant as anybody loves Mr. McAfee’s shit-eating beam (one of the few occasions area that byword can be acclimated literally) the bread did not booty off.  It absolutely should have—if anyone can accomplish a acceptable antic crypto, it should be the man who is crypto’s better joke.

I accept that McAfee Coin bootless because it bankrupt the aftermost rule. The actuality that it was actual audibly a banknote grab fabricated it too serious—and too greedy—to accomplish a fun meme. Our review was not kind.


Launched ancient during the abundant 2017 Gold Rush, it anon seemed destined for greatness. It had a asinine apriorism (Banana is one of the inherently funny words). It had affluence of jokes accessible to go, agreeably supplied via columnist release. For several weeks every web commodity was abounding of blah Arrested Development references. (“There’s consistently money in the assistant stand.”) Heck, alike we did one on it. 

The agitation with Assistant bread (or, to be exact, the assistant token) is that it was additionally a banknote grab, and a actual addled one at that. A lawsuit revealed how unappeeling Bananacoin had become.

There’s addition Memecoin in town

Although Bananacoin has still angry atramentous and squishy, there’s a new memecoin aggressive to abduct the artifice crown. 

It’s alleged Bananocoin, and if you booty a moment to anticipate about that name, you’ll accept why it’s one of the best abandoned bill out there. After bifurcation off from Nano, a association formed with no added purpose than captivation up a mirror to the sillier ancillary of cryptocurrency.

“Banano is a 4th bearing changeable & comestible cryptocurrency with a air-conditioned chicken logo and particles.js background.” I didn’t apprehend how ailing I was of those brainless dancing molecules, until I saw them overlaid with bake-apple on the Banano website. 

But wait! there’s more!

Banano hits all the appropriate addendum for bodies who are annoyed of crypto elevator pitches. There’s a abstruse chicken cardboard (“coming soon”), a aggregation of animation portraits (including “Trevon” and a “professional accusation shifter”) and a much-anticipated capital net barrage on, of course, April 1. The bread itself is account about nothing; it’s dispensed in online faucets and isn’t alike traded on an exchange. They’re adequately accessible to get as tips, but the alone use for them is to tip addition else.

The aftereffect is a association that’s fun, acceptable and adherent to amusement instead of greed: the adequacy of a absolute memecoin. 

I still wouldn’t advance in it, though.


Okay, this isn’t alike real, we did this as a antic ourselves for April 1st. But we had fun.

Crypto SHTCoin

The columnist is invested in some agenda assets, but none of these impaired currencies, or alike in Dogecoin – which we like and appreciate.