MouseBelt Brings Blockchain Education To University Of California

MouseBelt Brings Blockchain Education To University Of California

THELOGICALINDIAN - MouseBelt Is Bringing Blockchain To Campus

Blockchain businesses are hiring left, right, and center, and MouseBelt believes universities are key to architecture a bigger industry. The company is advance in a “first-of-its-kind” affiliation with the University of California to bolster apprenticeship and entrepreneurship in the field. 

Described as a “full-service blockchain accelerator,” MouseBelt has invested over $40 actor beyond added than 60 blockchain projects and their development shop, MouseBelt Engineering. Instead of throwing money at projects and promptly abandoning them, the boutique extends abutment through a aggregation of engineers who assignment to body out projects. 

Their University Program brings calm the better acquisition of apprentice blockchain organizations in the world, including 65 institutions beyond 13 countries. MouseBelt University has helped adapt added than 75 apprentice association-run programs at celebrated educational institutions, including Harvard, Oxford, and Cambridge.

Acceleration On Campus

The company’s latest initiative, dubbed the MouseBelt Blockchain Accelerator, is aimed at developing blockchain technology and entrepreneurship at UC Davis, UC Los Angeles, and UC Santa Barbara. With an accent on “hands-on development,” the affairs seeks to beforehand blockchain technology through “strategic bookish partnerships.”

The accelerator will activate with a donation to the engineering schools at the three universities. The aggregation affairs to animate added advance through investments of $500,000 for apprentice projects, and affairs to accession addition $500,000 to anon armamentarium researchers. MouseBelt will armamentarium “up to bristles early-stage companies with up to $100,000” through the UC Blockchain Entrepreneurship program.  

A Collaborative Effort

Ashlie Meredith, Program Director at MouseBelt University, says the accelerator will advice body the DLT ecosystem. “We aim to advice these universities become a active force for addition in the blockchain space,” she said, as able-bodied as accommodate acceptance and advisers with the befalling for both abstract and industry experience.”

The affairs will action educational courses, workshops, and admonition on best practices in an accomplishment to “enrich the affection of blockchain projects.” Beyond the classroom, advisers and early-stage companies will additionally be able to account by accepting allotment and assets to “build scalable solutions and advance allusive blockchain adoption.”

Connecting Researchers With The Industry

A key aspect of the affairs is to affix advisers with the industry, allotment projects in specialized areas like cryptography and peer-to-peer networking.  MouseBelt will additionally accurately abutment courses that focus on blockchain engineering.

Faculty associates batten awful of MouseBelt’s alive captivation in acknowledging blockchain-focused entrepreneurs. “We attending advanced to seeing how broader collaborations amid researchers, faculty, and administrators beyond assorted UC campuses will abide to advance blockchain addition on campus,” said Christopher Russo, Associate Director of Corporate Business Development at UC Santa Barbara.

MouseBelt additionally affairs to assignment with on-campus groups in an accomplishment to “identify outstanding startup founders” and to action an educational leg up for aboriginal date companies from the partnered campuses. The affairs will action mentoring casework to bristles companies, while advance up to $100,000 in barter for equity. Mousebelt will act as a accomplice broker and advisor, alive with groups like PLASMA accelerator at UC Davis and Startup Labs at UCLA. 

The affairs continues to breeding a growing accord with partnerships at Blockchain at UCLA, Startup Labs at UCLA, Blockchain at UCSB and Blockchain at Davis. Having invested in a cardinal of apprentice projects and the first anytime blockchain engineering course at UCLA, the action “addresses the growing demand” for blockchain apprenticeship and assets for students, faculty, and administrators.