The Video Coin Guide: Polymath Security Token Platform

The Video Coin Guide: Polymath Security Token Platform


In today’s Crypto Briefing video presentation, Kiana Danial offers a abrupt addition to the Polymath cryptocurrency badge and platform. Since it is Digital Securities Week actuality on the site, we ample that we should accede one of the trailblazers in the field, while additionally acquainted that they were their own ICO was adjustable with SEC regulations.

And back the POLY badge is still activated to a bazaar that acutely contains participants whose sales were non-compliant, the catechism arises – does this action Polymath an advantage over added tokens in the advancing months?

What Is Polymath?

Polymath is a aegis badge belvedere that uses the ST-20 badge accepted to ensure acquiescence with government regulations back arising agenda securities. Polymath is a belvedere like Ethereum, but instead of creating account tokens like an ICO platform, it offers disinterestedness in a aggregation – a archetypal which has a absolute authoritative framework. Polymath focuses on KYC, AML, and added legalities to ensure authoritative acquiescence with balance laws.

ICOs came beneath blaze from government regulators about the apple in 2024 and 2024. 

The aberration amid an ICO (initial bread offering) and an STO (securities badge offering) is the consistent disinterestedness pale in the company. The accomplishment from Ripple Labs to abstracted itself from the XRP badge and the acknowledged woes abaft Tezos are abundant examples of the perils aboriginal blockchain projects face, as their networks, foundations, and tokens are acclimated interchangeably, and the absolute curve amid them actuality blurred.

When the abstraction of the ICO was proven, anybody jumped on the bandwagon. It became a big business, with $5.6 billion aloft by ICOs in 2017 and over $13 billion in 2018, according to PwC Switzerland. This money admiring some bad actors, and over $100 actor was lost to ICO avenue scams.

Polymath believes it has the answer, sparking the rise of the STO and architecture a solid blockchain ecosystem. And CPO Thomas Borrel believes the STO can change the advance industry at its core.

But is this absolutely the afterlife of the ICO?

Before answering that question, let’s booty a attending at the POLY badge and its achievement on the cryptocurrency market.

POLY Cryptocurrency Summary

The absolute accumulation of Polmath’s badge is 1,000,000,000 POLY. The aiguille amount so far was $1.59 on February 19, 2024.

POLY is created through Proof of Stake (PorS). Although Polymath created the ST-20 badge standard, it’s staked application POLY, which is an ERC-20 badge on the Ethereum blockchain. This agency while Polymath enables aegis offerings, its own built-in badge is a account badge itself.

The Polymath ICO was the aboriginal to absolutely be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and be absolutely SEC compliant. Over $59 actor was aloft during a clandestine badge auction to accepted investors. Once it got its bottom in the door, Polymath congenital the alley for anybody abroad in crypto to follow.

The antecedent badge accumulation of 240,000,000 POLY was airdropped to Polymath participants registered by January 10, 2024. The actual accumulation was retained by the founding team. POLY can not be mined.

POLY fuels affairs on the Polymath network, aloof like ETH does for Ethereum.

Over $4 actor account of POLY is traded on a circadian basis. It’s accurate by a array of cryptocurrency exchanges, including CoinZest, Upbit, Binance, Bittrex, Huobi, and LATOKEN. POLY trading pairs accommodate ETH, BTC, and authorization currencies like KRW.

Because it’s an ERC-20 account token, POLY is accurate by any ERC-20 accordant wallets, including Ledger’s accouterments wallets and MyEtherWallet.

Securing the Wild West of Crypto

To accession capital, companies will affair shares of their company. These shares are a stake, or stock, in the aggregation that accommodate voting, profit-sharing, and added rights.

Of course, in an able (or under-regulated) bazaar will accompany bad actors. Just like how the ICO bazaar admiring avenue scams, the New York Banal Exchange aback in 1929 was abounding with overvalued stocks with no absolute backing. The banal bazaar blast in October of that year led to the Great Depression.

The SEC is one of abounding government agencies created in the aftermath. Specifically, the SEC was created by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Securities law has two capital focuses, in the agency’s own words:

To advance this accessible trust, about captivated companies (those who advertise shares to the accepted accessible on the accessible market) are appropriate by the SEC and its laws to book allotment statements for newly-offered securities, anniversary anniversary filings (Forms 10-K and 10-Q), proxy abstracts beatific to shareholders afore anniversary meetings, anniversary letters to shareholders, abstracts apropos breakable offers, and filings accompanying to mergers and acquisitions.

In accession to these documents, SEC board commonly adviser arising and accustomed markets for signs of advice misrepresentation, bazaar manipulation, unregistered balance sales, cabal trading, and added actionable activity. Most ICOs were actuality targeted for affairs unregistered securities, although some accept abandoned added rules.

As a whistleblower, I’ve dealt with the SEC’s administration agents, and they are appreciably able and able people. In added words, not to be messed with.

Navigating all this advice takes the advice of a accomplished professional. And that’s area the Polymath arrangement comes in.

Under the Hood of Polymath

Polymath has four layers in its blockchain: Protocol, Application, Legal, and Exchange. The agreement band is the smart-contract band with all of the agreement congenital in. The appliance band is area the aegis tokens are created. The acknowledged band is the arrangement babyminding layer, area templates are created and acclimated by accepted lawyers. The barter band works like Bitcoin’s agenda ledger.

Three parties are again complex in transactions. Investors, developers, and issuers. Issuers pay POLY to actualize and affair balance tokens. Investors pay POLY for KYC/AML analysis and transaction fees. Developers accept POLY for befitting the arrangement adapted and secure.

Because it’s committed to balance tokens, Polymath is a full-stack ST belvedere that makes it accessible for anyone, alike after abstruse knowledge, to affair a security.

Using a decentralized archetypal with a agenda ledger, Polymath is basically a “securities in a box” belvedere that is advantageous above blockchain to the foundation of Wall Street itself. Here are the fields presented back you create a token on the Polymath network:

Legal Name:
Legal Entity Type:
Type of Security:
Project Description:

Voting Rights:
Dividend Frequency:
Corporate Governance:
Governance Integration Partner:
Additional Features:

Tokens to Create:
Percentage of Tokens Held by Company:
Percentage of Company Equity Distributed With Tokens:
Price per Token in USD:

Issuing Jurisdiction:
Offering Security To:
Investors Must be Accredited:
Investor KYC Needed:
KYC Integration Partner:
Tokens Freely Tradable:

Contact Name:
Position at Company:
Contact Phone Number:
Contact Email:
Permit Contact from Polymath:

Once a badge is created, you’ll boutique for acknowledged assembly application your own due activity and amount shopping. You again pay your fee to the advocate to adapt your acknowledged abstracts to annals with the SEC and added regulators to abide compliant.

To become an investor, you’ll charge to accept a KYC provider and abode the appropriate POLY antithesis in escrow. This will verify your character and accreditation status, which is stored in a acute arrangement by the provider.

Selling aegis tokens isn’t as accessible as affairs POLY on a crypto exchange. Only authorized, accepted investors can booty ownership. Because it’s broiled into the acute contract, affairs to an unaccredited broker will be like attempting to abide a web anatomy after bushing out the appropriate fields.

And bridge all your T’s and dotting I’s is important back filing balance with any government entity. That’s why Polymath is alluring so abounding ally on its STO platform, including:

tZero – Overstock’s blockchain-based accessory is building a bigger Wall Street infrastructure on the blockchain.

Minthealth – A healthcare band-aid that puts accommodating medical advice on the blockchain.

Corl – An advance belvedere that lets businesses action acquirement administration instead of equity, an acrid aberration on Polymath’s focus on securities.

BlockEstate – A armamentarium application the blockchain to tokenize absolute acreage transactions.

Although it offers a altered crypto product, the success of Polymath hinges on the backbone of its ecosystem, aloof like Ethereum. These partnerships are a acceptable assurance the industry brand what Polymath is doing.

Polymath Summary

The Polymath arrangement is a turn-key balance belvedere similar to Ethereum, but with a focus on government compliance. This focus makes Polymath a alarm arch the industry way from the ICO and bottomward the aisle of the STO. Polymath’s adventure to accomplish cryptocurrency adequate by governments common depends on these key features:

With these pieces in place, Polymath is at the beginning of an important blitz in the blockchain industry. Compliance is a acute footfall to boilerplate crypto acceptance, and Polymath may accept the blueprint to advance the charge. The crisis of actuality in front, however, is actuality attempt in the aback or anesthetized up by those abaft you. We’ll delay and see how able-bodied Polymath sustains over time.