DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis October 17 2024
technical analysis

DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis October 17 2024

THELOGICALINDIAN - Hello and acceptable to News BTCs Market Outlook October 17


DASH continues to be actual choppy, but we did accept a hardly absolute affair on Monday. It looks as if the $315 akin is causing a bit of attrition though, and we may accept some choppiness to get through in adjustment to go abundant higher. Once we do, I doubtable that the abutting ambition is activity to be $322.50, which has ahead offered resistance. I still accept in affairs dips, and I anticipate that there is a assertive bulk of abutment at the $300 handle.


Litecoin continues the alongside bullwork that we accept apparent over the aftermost several sessions, with the $62 akin alms a bit of support. The $66 akin aloft offers resistance, and if we can breach aloft there I anticipate the bazaar again goes attractive appear the $70 handle. In accepted though, I anticipate the bazaar is aggravating to bolt his animation afterwards the best contempo rally, and accordingly I anticipate we go alongside added than annihilation else.

Thanks for watching, I’ll be aback tomorrow.