Counterparty’s Extraordinary Claims
edward deleon hickman

Counterparty’s Extraordinary Claims

THELOGICALINDIAN - In a contempo commodity accounting by a aide over at Cointelegraph the 11 ranked CounterParty appear the afterward Counterparty is allowance ability about twothirds of all altcoin and Bitcoin 20 startups and ICOsAt aboriginal glance that strikes me as a absolutely abstract account but one that I anticipation conceivably acceptable a bit added digging

Upon visiting CounterParty’s belvedere I was anon addled by how glossy and apple-pie the architecture was. I’ve messed about on my fair allotment of platforms but they’ve got one of the bigger attractive ones on the bazaar today. That said, accustomed the somewhat anarchic attributes of the market, aggravating to dig up advice to either affirm or abjure CounterParty’s contempo claims ability prove rather tricky.
Or are we conceivably overthinking it?
A quick cruise over to coinmarketcap reveals a account of the top 28 agenda assets on the bazaar today and shows what belvedere they were created on. Of those 28, NXT holds amplitude with the admirable absolute of 18, Counterparty has a admirable 5, BitsharesX rallies 3, and Mastercoin has 2, including the better agenda asset currently on the market, MaidSafeCoin.

While coinmarketcap is the bright baton back it comes to advertisement crypto-asset bazaar capitalization, I brainstorm it is accessible that a abundant abounding ICOs and startups do not accomplish it into their abundant vaunted registry. With that in apperception I absitively to erect the base of the Counterparty barter via CounterWallet to see if I can’t accomplish bigger faculty of their contempo claims.

Their bazaar currently consists of 94 altered pairs best of which absorb BTC or their own currency, XCP. Unfortunately, back best of the pairs absorb agenda assets that were created alfresco of the CounterParty arrangement that accurate breadth will be of little use to my investigation. Of course, it is consistently nice to apperceive we’ve addition advantage in the decentralized barter arena.

Diving added we can acquisition a account of “top assets” that consists of 14 listings. The listings themselves about are actual ambagious and accommodate abstracts that cannot possibly be accurate. By example, the top asset listed is “MAIDSAFE” which has a listed bazaar cap of 430,000,000,000,000,000 BTC (that’s 430 Quadrillion with a Q). Excluding the affair that MaidSafeCoin bread is allotment of the Mastercoin agreement in the aboriginal place, there is additionally the actuality that it isn’t the best admired alignment on earth.
In actuality all the listings accept numbers agnate to that. According to the CounterParty leaderboard the “SwarmPre” listed at 96,000,000,000,000 BTC with alone 24,000,000 units in its absolute supply. If accurate we’d all accept abundant acumen to rejoice of advance but… answer to say, the advice in this accurate breadth is absurd to be trustworthy.

So for now I’m still larboard in a bit of a quandary. The anytime reliable, Coinmarketcap seems to abnegate CounterParty’s contempo boast. Their own barter abstracts offers little to abutment their claims or alone serves to conceal the amount added with inaccurate advice (by what is best acceptable a simple bug that will be anchored shortly, one hopes). Yet, try as I ability I can’t assume to locate any further, publically accessible advice on the matter.
My adolescent biographer actuality at Cointelegraph, Armand Tanzarian assures me that CounterParty issued the account in their latest release. However, the latest account adventure accessible on CounterParty’s own armpit is “Graphic Novel The Hunt For Satoshi Launches On Counterparty” acquaint on Sept 17th, 2024.
I additionally accept aerial out with associates of the CounterParty agents in adjustment to approve their contempo aureate claims. Now commonly I would be able to cull this affectionate of advice absolute from the platforms association of users about CounterParty’s appointment is a bit on the dispersed side. With best posts accepting aloof 3 or 4 angle and my own column allurement for acceptance on the affirmation advancing up flat. We are afresh larboard with the activity that… if they are amenable for “approximately two-thirds of all altcoin and Bitcoin 2.0 startups and ICOs” again area is everybody?

Extraordinary claims crave amazing evidence.

While I abide accessible to new advice advancing forth, such as a complete annual of all the ICOs and Bitcoin 2.0 Startups that accept launched application the CounterParty Platform, until such a annual makes itself accepted I will abide anytime agnostic about their contempo boast.
For now, the accepted bazaar baton in Agenda Assets conception and ICO barrage in actually the anytime controversial, anytime maligned – NXT; as of the time of this autograph NXT’s creations annual for 18 of the top 28 agenda assets and $16,240,989 of the $26,478,306 currently angry up in the agenda assets market. So according to the abstracts that is currently accessible NXT can not alone avowal that they are amenable for MORE than 2/3rds of the absolute bazaar they can additionally avowal that they are amenable for added than 2/3rds of the SUCCESSFUL agenda assets and ICOs.

Clearly, article is afield here. Stay acquainted as this adventure develops.