Major Venezuelan Satellite TV Provider Enables Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Payments
emerging markets

Major Venezuelan Satellite TV Provider Enables Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Payments

THELOGICALINDIAN - Venezuelan barter from the better accessory TV provider in the country are now able to pay their account bills via cryptocurrencies Simple TV appear it had enabled the affection to its over four actor users whose aggregation was the backup of Directv

Company Expects to Cut Dependency on Fiat Dollar

According to the announcement, the provider abiding a affiliation with Panamanian close Cryptobuyer, and Simple TV’s landing page is now assuming the advantage to pay via cryptos.

Customers could accelerate their payments in bitcoin (BTC), birr (DASH), litecoin (LTC), ethereum (ETH), binance bread (BNB), and binance dollar (BUSD). Also, users can additionally pay with Cryptobuyer’s built-in token, XPT.

Simple TV, endemic by a Chilean advance fund, offers over 300 TV channels from above networks, including ESPN, HBO, and Disney. With such addition, the accessory TV provider expects to “boost the acceptance of cryptocurrencies beyond Venezuela.”

Jorge Farías, CEO of Cryptobuyer, told Contrapunto that crypto payments would accredit TV providers like Simple TV to widen their ambit of advantage significantly:

Simple TV took over Directv’s portfolio in Venezuela afterwards the American accessory TV provider bankrupt its operations in the nation, acceptable the above provider.

Crypto Adoption in Venezuela Is on the Rise Across Stores

The South American country — accepted for its afflicted bearings in economics and political diplomacy — has been actively witnessing crypto acceptance amid food and casework providers. News reported aftermost year that all Pizza Hut locations in Venezuela started to acquire a ample ambit of cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin.

What are your thoughts on Venezuelans’ achievability to pay accessory TV bills with cryptocurrencies? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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