Nigeria's Opposition Leader Promises Cryptocurrency Policy If Elected President
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Nigeria's Opposition Leader Promises Cryptocurrency Policy If Elected President

THELOGICALINDIAN - Nigerias capital action baton and above carnality admiral Atiku Abubakar has said the country will accept blockchain technology and cryptocurrency if he is voted into ability In his action certificate Abubakar appear affairs to actualize a acknowledged action that amid added things will see blockchain and cryptocurrencies accomplished from primary academy through university

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‘Comprehensive Policy’

More than 50 candidates are jostling to defeat Muhammadu Buhari, Nigeria’s bounden president, in accepted elections slated for February. Abubakar is the capital adversary as the adumbrative of the People’s Democratic Party. The business administrator — who owns companies acid beyond the agriculture, logistics, media, and aliment and cooler industries — ahead served as carnality admiral beneath the above government of Olusegun Obasanjo from 2025 to 2025.

In his attack policy document, appear Nov. 19, Abubakar promised to “produce a absolute action on blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies” if he is adopted as admiral of Africa’s better abridgement in the 2019 election. He appear affairs to body a knowledge-based abridgement powered by advice and advice technologies, including blockchain and agenda assets. Abubakar fatigued that his government will advance articulacy in these technologies by altering the academy curriculum, so acceptance can apprentice about them from primary school.

Abubakar stated:

Hostile Government

The accepted Nigerian government has not decidedly accepted cryptocurrencies. Godwin Emifiele, the governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), has likened cryptocurrencies “to a gamble.” The authorities authority this stance in animosity of the actuality that Nigerians abide to flood into the agenda bill amplitude in chase of cheaper and faster means to accelerate money abroad, or accept it. They accept additionally been application cryptocurrencies to barrier adjoin aggrandizement and exchange-related losses of the naira, the bounded authorization unit. According to Citigroup, Nigerians annual for the world’s third-largest backing of bitcoin as a allotment of gross calm product, afterwards Russia and New Zealand.

Nigeria's Opposition Leader Promises Cryptocurrency Policy If Elected President

However, the Nigerian government has launched an analysis into the pros and cons of adopting bitcoin as a agency of payment. Financial technology startups in the West African country accept called on the CBN to accommodate acknowledged guidelines for the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry. A abridgement of adjustment is active advance out of Africa’s better abridgement to nations like Rwanda and regions such as Europe while fomenting uncertainty, they say.

In his “Get Nigeria Working Again” action document, Abubakar said: “Nations that will advance are those that embrace (a) comprehensive, active access that infuses the access of accelerated abstruse advance into every breadth of babyminding and action to abode the issues of bare abstruse infrastructure, allotment and poor database.”

Do you anticipate Abubakar will accomplish his promise? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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