Ethereum Hard Fork: How Important Is Backwards Compatibility?

Ethereum Hard Fork: How Important Is Backwards Compatibility?

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Ethereum Foundation has delayed the testnet barrage of the Istanbul amend until the alpha of October But some are adopting apropos about one of the Ethereum Improvement Proposals EIPs which will breach assertive acute affairs So should technology be astern accordant ad infinitum or is a little disruption all-important in the name of progress

Too Many EIPs Delay The Upgrade

The testnet activation of the latest amend was originally due to appear on September 4th. However, the date has been pushed aback to the alpha of October due to a ample cardinal of EIPs submitted for review. Developers eventually accustomed six of these for admittance in the Istanbul package, with a added eight in the afterward upgrade.

The testnet adjournment agency that the mainnet activation will additionally action a ages later, in November afterwards the DevCon developer conference.

Breaking Ethereum’s Contract

However, Parity developer, Wei Tang, has raised concerns about one of the advance proposals, Ethereum Advance Proposal 1884. This “will breach at atomic a few deployed contracts,” he tweeted, continuing that “what worries me is that some participants on aftermost AllCoreDevs assume to allocate it as adequate behavior.”

He goes on to say:

The abstruse capacity of the affinity issues can be begin on GitHub.

You Can’t Make An Omelette Without Breaking Eggs

While Tang’s apropos may assume valid, there is, of course, a argument that absorbing over astern affinity is adverse to progress.

Tang makes the archetype of Microsoft’s Windows accepting acceptance because of astern compatibility. Whilst it may accept acquired acceptance in this period, it arguably fell into a abstruse black-hole.

Apple’s affirmation on acceptance old-tech to abatement into obsolescence was (and still is) broadly criticized. However, it took Microsoft years and abounding iterations of Windows afore it bent up to the advances of Apple’s OS X, accident astern affinity on the way.

If it were absolutely bottomward to Microsoft, we would acceptable still be lugging about laptops with bequest VGA and consecutive ports. Slimline, slimline!

With apropos as to how abundant space is larboard on the Ethereum blockchain, acutely article charge be done or technology could die. With stakes that high, absolutely a few burst affairs are a baby amount to pay?

What do you anticipate about the acknowledged Ethereum Improvement Proposal? Comment below.

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