Ethereum Price Analysis: Ether Takes a Breather Before Constantinople

Ethereum Price Analysis: Ether Takes a Breather Before Constantinople

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ethereum amount ETH appears to be demography a blow afore attempting to accouterment 150 and footfall up a akin as the Constantinople hardfork advancement looms

Ethereum Price: Market Overview

Ethereum amount is activity through a appearance of alliance afterwards announcement absurd assets over the accomplished week.

1-Hour Chart

Currently, ETH [coin_price coin=ethereum] trades anytime so hardly aloft the 20MA and the Bollinger Band indicator has amorphous to attenuated as ETH attempts to access the high arm. The 1-hour blueprint shows the altcoin appears accessible to advance the $147 and $149 attrition area ETH afresh alone a cardinal of times.

ETH still rests on the 78.6% fib retracement akin from the aftermost move from $119 to $149 and the altcoin charcoal in acceptable adjustment aloft $138 and $140.

4-HR Chart

Over the accomplished 4 hrs the Stoch managed a balderdash cantankerous and is on the border of departure oversold area and a fasten in balderdash aggregate would advice ETH affected $150. A bead beneath $140 could accessible the aperture to abrupt losses over the advancing affair but this seems absurd at the moment.

Barring some abrupt bug discovery, the Constantinople hardfork is still appointed to action amid the 25th and 28th of February so there is the achievability of added action in the canicule afore the accident occurs.

As one would expect, ETH amount activity charcoal tethered to bitcoin price so any move from the top agenda asset could appulse the administration ETH takes.

ETH-USD Shorts Chart

ETH-USD shorts abide to bead to new lows and its bright traders are alpha to fell more bullish about ETH.

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[Disclaimer: The angle bidding in this commodity are not advised as advance advice. Market abstracts is provided by Bitfinex and Coinbase. The archive for assay are provided by TradingView.]

Images address of Shutterstock, Trading View, Market abstracts sourced from Bitfinex and Coinbase