Last Time This Much Ethereum Was In Profit, ETH Declined By 50%

Last Time This Much Ethereum Was In Profit, ETH Declined By 50%

THELOGICALINDIAN - Ethereum Could See Retracement Per Historical Standards

When the amount of an asset increases, the allurement one has to advertise that asset increases. This is the case with stocks, adored metal, absolute estate, and crypto. A profit-taking sell-off may anon comedy out with Ethereum, according to actual assay of on-chain data.

Glassnode, a blockchain analytics firm, shared the blueprint beneath on August 3rd. According to their data, added than 90% of all circulating ETH is currently in a accompaniment of profit:


This is important to ETH’s amount activity because the aftermost time this was apparent was in February 2024, back ETH was trading at $925. Ethereum proceeded to amend by about 50% to the Aprils lows of $380.

That’s to say, should history rhyme, the cryptocurrency may anon ache a able retracement.

Importantly, though, aloof because a majority of investors are in accumulation doesn’t beggarly a retracement is set in stone. In 2024 and 2024, while ETH was consistently ambience new best highs, the asset almost awash off, extensive $1,450 in January 2024.

Could Underperform Bitcoin

Even admitting ETH may administer to abide ambulatory adjoin the dollar, some are assured the asset to bead adjoin Bitcoin.

As reported by Bitcoinist previously, a Telegram approach tracking the Tom Demark Sequential has printed a arbiter advertise arresting for ETH/BTC. The TD Sequential forms “9” and “13” candles back an asset is at a point in its trend area it is acceptable to reverse.

This is a affect that has been aggregate by added analysts. One banker postulated that the weekend’s beam blast fabricated ETH/BTC book a “channel fakeout” that could advance to a able abatement in Ethereum adjoin Bitcoin.