eToro Market Update: Good Luck!!

eToro Market Update: Good Luck!!


For all our clients, colleagues and ally in China and the absolute region, we would like to ambition you a actual blessed new year!!

This is a actual appropriate year in the Chinese Calendar, the year of the Golden Pig. Unlike Islam and Judaism, in Chinese culture, the pig is a actual prominent and aristocratic beastly associated with banking success, fortune, wealth, and acceptable luck.

Perhaps unsurprisingly then, we can atom a different trend of investors affective funds into actively managed portfolios going into this different year abnormally in the bonds market and in pension funds.

So for all of our clients, accepted investors, and anybody out there achievement the bazaar altitude are favorable to you.

Gong Xi Fa Cai!  – May you enlarge your wealth!!

@MatiGreenspan – eToro, Senior Market Analyst

Please note: All data, abstracts & graphs are accurate as of February 4th. All trading carries risk. Only accident basic you can allow to lose.

Chinese markets will be bankrupt this anniversary for the festivities, yet there isn’t abundant adumbration of how this may affect the advancing barter negotiations with the United States. Perhaps it can accompany some luck to both abandon who assume to be acquisitive for a deal.

Today the Pope is on a different cruise to Abu Dhabi and German Chancellor Angela Merkel is in Tokyo. Wishing them both the best of luck as well.

Markets are acutely collapsed today. Japan and Australia managed some gains, while the aperture in Europe was hardly negative.

Many traders accept already noticed that gold has been on a advantageous run lately. Most afresh it has burst through the cerebral barrier of $1,300 per ounce.

This is not actual hasty accustomed the akin of geopolitical ambiguity at this time as able-bodied as global monetary action that seems to be more accommodative, which actual able-bodied could end up active inflationary concerns.

For acceptable asset managers with a continued appellation outlook, abounding professionals acclaim captivation amid 5% and 20% in gold. Of course, that doesn’t beggarly we charge to fomo in at these levels.

Those attractive to abode a buy adjustment ability actual able-bodied get a added bigger amount afterpiece to the ascent band of abutment (yellow line), which abnormally abundant converges with the cerebral akin of $1,300 mentioned aloft (blue line).

When cerebration about cryptoassets at the moment it seems a altered beastly comes to apperception as bitcoin has now clearly logged its longest buck market in the asset’s almost abbreviate history.

From December 2024 until today bitcoin has alone a absolute of 82% from aiguille to trough, authoritative a absolute amplitude of 413 canicule after any adumbration of a turnaround. It should be acclaimed admitting that alike admitting this is the longest stretch, it’s not the deepest. The five-month buck of 2024 saw a drawdown of 93% and the crypto winter from the end of 2024 to the alpha of 2024 saw a absolute drawdown of 86%.

As we reflect on this accomplished year and a bisected we can apprehension a actual specific accumulation that has again itself incessantly… the bottomward triangle.

With $5,500 (blue line) as the base, we’ve apparent six altered wedges, four of which accept burst to the downside. Now that the dejected band is broken, we’ve confused the abutment akin to $3,000 and we can see that we’re now advancing to the seventh wedge.

Though some analysts accept adumbrated that we may have further to go on the downside, others are pointing out that we may accept entered the aloofness appearance for bitcoin trading, an annoying yet all-important date in the advance cycle.