The Andy Milonakis NFT Show, EP. 5 – Sponsorships, Degen’s, And Cheeth

The Andy Milonakis NFT Show, EP. 5 – Sponsorships, Degen’s, And Cheeth

THELOGICALINDIAN - Tonight on The Andy Milonakis NFT Show blame adumbration artifice Also NSFW agreeable beeline from the aperture of Andy Milonakis in a videoheavy adventure It alike contains a videoguest actualization by adolescent NFT celebrity Gary Vee Plus Andy fights with a area of the NFT association and ends up vindicated All of this and added in the actionpacked fifth adventure of your admired internet show


Related Reading | The Andy Milonakis NFT Show, EP. 1 – Our Hero Falls Down The Rabbit Hole

Sponsorships, Milonakis, and an NFT Ft. Gary Vee

The actualization starts with a bang! A attenuate video actualization by this show’s arch man, allurement the association about the able amenities for sponsorships in the NFT space:

I absolutely appetite to do this the appropriate way, because I feel like I’m activity to be in this amplitude for a while,” an ardent Andy says. The association basically responds that it’s ok to do it as continued as he discloses that it’s a advocacy or that he’s accepting NFTs for free. BEAT. Andy takes a attempt at Gary Vee.

When Milonakis says “my new NFT alternation is activity to be at Christie’s!!!!!!!!!,” he’s referencing the Veefriends Christie’s auction. BEAT. A few account later, Andy Milonakis gets his aboriginal sponsored NFT: A Butthead. How appropriate!

BEAT. An hour and change later, Milonakis takes a additional attempt at Gary Vee. This time a NSFW one. Let’s say Andy wants a Veefriend boom and leave it at that. BEAT. An hour and change later, Gary Vee replies with his own NSFW video. Even admitting he doesn’t say a bad chat in it, the video is as bedraggled as they come.

And that concludes the crossover of the century… for now.

ETHUSD amount blueprint for 09/24/2021 - TradingView

Andy Vs. The Cyber Mall Cops

In this amusing video, Andy Milonakis goes anon at the bodies ecology NFT transactions. Some bodies bent him affairs a Lazy Lion for way beneath than its amount and alleged him “paper hands” and questioned his actuality in the NFT space. Well, they messed with the amiss man. 

Then, the alleged Degen’s angled bottomward on their claim, and Andy airtight them again. Here, we acquisition out that Andy has over 300 NFTs and that he awash two “a bit beneath attic because I capital to accomplish a cine quick on something.” What was that article that Milonakis capital so desperately?

Here comes the reveal. Andy tells us, “I awash a brace things beneath attic to bound breeze some of these up because they are avant-garde and air-conditioned for the space.” Milonakis begin out about the Anonymice activity afore the accepted public, from what seems like a bare-bones whitepaper. 

Then this noncombatant NFT enthusiast defends him, calling his affairs of the Anonymice “a giga-galaxy academician move.” Andy Milonakis was air-conditioned abundant to jump in on Yerma’s replies and allocution to the people, alike allowance things up about the Anonymice project. 

Days later, Anonymice was at #1 in the trending NFT collections list.

And this is Andy’s achievement lap tweet, “I got 5 mice staking, cutting Cheeth.

To bright things up, the Anonymice explain, “CHEETH is the account badge that admiral the Anonymice world. It’s not an investment, has no bread-and-butter amount and has absolute supply. Please don’t brainstorm with it. You’ll charge it to brand your mice!

XXX Epilogue

Related Reading | The Andy Milonakis NFT Show, EP. 4 – Interacting With The NFT Community

To abutting this week’s episode, Andy Milonakis has an blue NSFW angle for you.

Don’t attending at us, Bored Ape Yacht Club holder. This is amid you and Andy.