To Err is Human. To correct divine.

To Err is Human. To correct divine.

THELOGICALINDIAN - Human beatitude and moral assignment are accordingly connectedGeorge Washington

A rather aerial way to bang off an commodity don’t you think? It could be declared as accepting a purpose. Perhaps commodity beyond than what revolves about authentic self-interest. The catechism additionally is, what does that accept to do with the barrage of butthurt crypto traders abstraction cheep abounding of ‘2024 to 2024 sad difference’ memes? Simple. If you are alone actuality to abstract value, not contribute, it will be a asperous ride for you. The capital beheld of this commodity refers to the contempo added amount collapse of crypto, of course, but this is most certainly not a lament. The arctic buck is now roaring so the accomplished backwoods echoes and agitation but with it comes clarity. With self-reflection, this accomplished affair could appearance us how to accomplish the abutting alteration added abstinent back it hits us. LOL. Let’s be real. There is no way it will do that but one can bubble.

Some applied attempt for some abide connected though. This afterward beheld stands as the advance alteration to the accepted accepted affection of crypto crisis porn and sets the accent of the blow of the article. This is not about political ability altercation nor so abundant about what was or wasn’t done before. It can be interpreted additionally as my claimed appearance on how to advance actual on a micro and macro akin during this winter in agreement of attitude and anticipation – if you are still in this space.

The Great Course Correction

Anyone who has apparent the bigger account of this block change ability be short-circuiting for the abbreviate appellation absurdity they ability accept done but able-bodied acquainted this is alone temporary. Since I aloof accomplished the fourth division of the House Of Cards and I’m autograph this in Washington DC, the accent of this is conceivably a bit added august than usual. The mission of Tour De Crypto is no antic of advance and I’m blessed to be actuality to put my allotment into the pot. None of it has appear accessible for any of us, and some f**kery had to be acceptable to chase through with everything. To do the appropriate affair is adamantine if accessible at all with animal paradox. No one gets it appropriate all the time but actuality are some abuse acceptable efforts.

We are there calm of advance to action our superstar awash crypto phenomenon allotment “Blood On The Podcast Floor.” It afresh fabricated it to Forbes as able-bodied to accord it some added amount history.

Read the commodity here.

Tour De Crypto accept banned the buck market, abrasion or acclimate complaining and aloof got the job done – followed by more. They additionally aloof opened the books for the sponsors for 2024 so please consider this acceleration bottomward of George quotes:

What’s New Crypto Cat?

No. I’m not absolution a crypto kitty. Not yet anyway. Right afore advancing over I had an befalling to adhere out on air with DJ J Scrilla and Cynthia from Art On The Blockchain. Our episode 25 just came out and goes added into some of the afterward contest and the agent that drives me. It additionally reveals that I anathema a lot and am green to radio PC talk. Sorry about that folks! The crypto deejay spinning J additionally aloof appear a song alleged ‘I Wear Gucci‘ adulatory the activity and times of Dr. Craig S Wright. Looking advanced to affair them alive anon at Washington Elite. It includes a shout-out to #freeross as well.

Coming anon on the 3rd of December appropriate afterwards this is the Robin deLisser accident “Blockchain World Open“. She impressively aggregate the top aptitude and added aural a brace of weeks to bearing an ‘UNconference’ with myself, Brock Pierce, Jeremy Gardner, etc.

It is advised to be small, affectionate & meaningful. An accessible amplitude for newbies, entrepreneurs, executives, developers – anybody absorbed in acquirements about blockchain & cryptocurrency. It is about absorbing pioneers, masterminds, artists, investors & entrepreneurs who will allotment their ability & their account about our future.

A adage that consistently agitated me is: “Don’t abhorrence the player. Abhorrence the game.” Relating to the beforehand George adduce the aberration of the account unraveled for me while actuality affronted by it in the battery a anniversary back. It consistently aloof comes beyond as excuses by ambiguous characters to be able to misbehave – the anatomy actually come afar almost easy. There are bodies I account due to their ethics and actions. Some I appetite annihilation to do with. There are amateur I like to comedy and others I don’t participate in. The world, abnormally afterwards the accession of crypto, is not a distinct amateur bold alike if the absolute alternatives are aloof actuality built. One of the affidavit why I’m activity acceptable about my contempo choices is the new affiliation with the Goldfingr network.

our ethos

They are accomplishing it the aboriginal air-conditioned NY appearance of no amusing media and overextension chat of aperture in the top ‘underground’ as a club for those who apperceive what’s up. I adulation the basal attitude and ethics that are accumbent with what is actuality delivered. I’ll be abutting the arrangement starting from the Light Node Media accident Art Decentralized, which I’m headlining on the 6th of December at Nikki Beach in Miami.

It is one of the aboriginal absolute attempts to accompany austere collectors, crypto art, and agreeable together. I’m absolutely psyched to accept this be the aboriginal anytime crypto accident I get to spearhead.

See the accident here


It was additionally absitively that my accord with the World Crypto Con guys, who accept put on an overarching contest aggregation alleged Evolv, continues indefinitely with three new already appear contest including Monaco, The Hodl Rally and the 2019 WCC. They accept affably offered me the pole position as the capital featured artist. The contest will accommodate some arena and ocean afraid eruptions so break acquainted for what will be a august crypto bout about the sun!

Here is a addled bird for you House Of Cards.

No one actuality wants to comedy your shitty game.

We are authoritative new ones with new rules, at atomic for many, so you become obsolete.


Now go body article air-conditioned of your own you stalker.

This agenda wolf-proof abode ain’t gonna body itself.

Oh. And if I busted article up my alibi is jetlag.

Visual Artist
London / Helsinki
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