Bitcoin News Roundup - June 14th 2024

Bitcoin News Roundup - June 14th 2024


On Wednesday June 3rd, New York Department of Financial Services administrator Ben Lawsky gave a accent at the BITS Emerging Payments Forum in Washington DC, announcing that the accomplished rules of the long-awaited BitLicense were assuredly here and in aftereffect (though companies accept 45 canicule to abatement into acquiescence with the new regulations). Lawsky categorical bristles capital changes from antecedent abstract versions of the rules:


Those acclamation from the classical academy of bitcoinomics acutely decried the new regulations as actuality arduous and adverse to business. Many accept that bitcoin was created to bypass aloof this array of banking regulations. While I accept and ache with this point of view, it would be naïve to anticipate that regulators would never blow bitcoin, and ultimately accepting a brand of approval from the top authoritative anatomy in one of the world’s banking centers will be added of a benefaction than a hindrance. And to accord the NYDFS credit, they did arise to act in acceptable acceptance in their attempts to accept the technology and the industry congenital about it, and to acquaint with those in the industry to abstract rules that fabricated sense. Lawsky fabricated abiding to accent that these are the aboriginal agenda bill regulations in the world, and that depending on what is alive or not alive the laws may be tweaked in the future.

In a adept use of the revolving aperture of politics, Lawsky additionally appear that his accent at the BITS appointment would be his aftermost as DFS superintendent, as he is dispatch bottomward from his column this ages to alpha his own consultancy close that – delay for it – will admonish agenda bill companies on how to cross the regulations that his appointment wrote.

PDF: The abounding argument of the BitLicense.

Completely unrelated: Warren G ft. Nate Dogg – Regulate


Decentralized peer-to-peer exchange OpenBazaar announced $1 actor in berry funding from firms Andreesen Horowitz and Union Square Ventures, and angel broker William Mougayar. Thus far a not-for-profit software activity adjourned absolutely by donations, this fundraise marks the accumulation of “the aboriginal business congenital on top of the OpenBazaar network,” to be alleged OB1. The developers of the activity fabricated abiding to analyze that the basal software will consistently be chargeless and beneath the MIT software license, acceptation it is chargeless to be copied, modified, and redistributed.

Andreesen Horowitz and Union Square Ventures accept been some of the best allegiant advocates of bitcoin in the adventure basic world, and this cardinal advance seems to be added about allowance body out the bitcoin arrangement and access its account and beneath about advance in a slam-dunk business (though the success of the two are carefully related). The advance is additionally a abundant assurance for those who accept been attractive advanced to the actualization of absolutely all-around chargeless barter platforms; agnate chargeless software projects like DarkWallet and Coinpunk accept collapsed by the wayside in the absence of funding.

USV managing accomplice Brad Burnham: “OB1 will action a set of amount added casework to buyers and sellers on the OpenBazaar market. They apprehend others to accommodate casework to the participants on OpenBazaar, and they don’t apprehend to accept any proprietary advantage over those competitors. As investors, we achievement that their acquaintance with the exchange and the amicableness they accomplish as aboriginal sponsors of the accessible antecedent activity will accord them an advantage but we accept they charge assassinate actual able-bodied or be larboard behind.”


In a allocution delivered by Gregory Maxwell at the San Francisco bitcoin devs meetup this accomplished Monday, Blockstream assuredly apparent the aboriginal accessible antecedent cipher of their aggressive Sidechains project. The well-funded accessible antecedent software aggregation hopes that sidechains will accomplish accessible all sorts of next-level applications congenital on top of the bitcoin blockchain.

Or, in the words of Blockstream co-founder Adam Back: “Sidechains are decentralized, peer-to-peer networks that accommodate advantageous security, risk, and achievement enhancements for all-around systems of amount barter that don’t charge intermediaries, axial banks or added third parties. They are broadcast ledgers that are interoperable with anniversary added and with Bitcoin, leveraging the best defended blockchain and cipher basement in an accretion way. Sidechains accredit innovators to cautiously advance new applications after jeopardizing Bitcoin’s amount cipher and putting billions of dollars account of agenda bill at risk.”

You can watch a video of Maxwell’s allocution here, and appearance a PDF of his slides here.

TechCrunch: Sidechains and Lightning, the New New Bitcoin


Wences Casares’ bitcoin wallet startup Xapo announced their accent advising board: Visa architect Dee Hock, above Citibank administrator & CEO John Reed, and above US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers. Dee Hock: “Bitcoin represents not alone the approaching of payments but additionally the approaching of governance. We alive in the 21st aeon but are still application command and ascendancy authoritative structures from the 16th century. Bitcoin is one of the best examples of how a decentralized, peer-to-peer alignment can break problems that these anachronous organizations cannot.”

Overstock issued a $25 actor clandestine band that is powered by the blockchain – the world’s aboriginal “cryptosecurity.” The SEC has not yet accustomed the plan [to advertise accessible banal for bitcoin]. But Overstock is application this aforementioned arrangement to affair its clandestine bond, which does not crave absolute SEC approval. This can serve as a proof-of-concept for Overstock’s advance appear a blockchain-based accessible banal market. WIRED

Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne was the aboriginal client of the cryptosecurity, purchasing a $500,000 agenda through his newly-launched platform. “Those who acquirement cryptobonds through TØ.com will be able to clue their buying on the bitcoin blockchain. Trades on TØ.com deeply achieve aforementioned day, as against to the accepted three day adjustment on Wall Street (referred to as “T 3″)”

FT letters that NASDAQ will “step up” their trials of the bitcoin blockchain: “The New York accumulation expects to admission three or four trials of the balance in barter processing in the abutting 12 months, in a move that Bob Greifeld, the group’s arch executive, hopes could radically adapt some of the US’s sometimes bulky and apathetic bazaar plumbing.”

Before the sentencing the parents of the victims of biologic overdoses addressed the court. Ulbricht bankrupt bottomward in tears. “I never capital that to happen,” he said. “I ambition I could go aback and argue myself to booty a altered path.” Silk Road abettor Ross Ulbricht was bedevilled to activity in federal prison.

Video: IBM fabricated it rain bitcoins at Campus Party Brazil. They gave abroad added than $50,000 in BTC, and 77% of accident attendees alternate in the “rain storm.”


Economist Chart of the Day: Despite the cease of the Silk Road, online biologic markets are thriving. “Mr Ulbricht’s acrid book is advised to serve as a admonishing to others. Don’t apprehend it to accept abundant effect.”


Jake Smith