Bitcoin’s Blockchain Timestamping Standards Face Off

Bitcoin’s Blockchain Timestamping Standards Face Off

THELOGICALINDIAN - A new adaptation of the timestamping accepted Chainpointis actuality activated and will be appear anon with new functionalities However the advance developer for aggressive accepted Opentimestamps claims that the new adaptation is too abutting to his teams cipher This commodity explores how Chainpoint works and how it compares to Opentimestamps

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What is Chainpoint?

Chainpoint is “an accessible accepted for creating a timestamp affidavit of any data, file, or alternation of events,” its website describes. It was developed by blockchain abstracts belvedere Tierion “for recording abstracts in the blockchain” as able-bodied as providing “irrefutable affidavit that your abstracts was recorded in the Bitcoin blockchain.” Chainpoint claims to be able to:

Using Chainpoint, abstracts is hashed and aggregated calm application a Merkle tree, with its basis anchored in the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains, Bitcoin’s Blockchain Timestamping Standards Face Offits website details. The action creates a JSON-LD document, referred to as a Chainpoint “proof”.

All proofs accommodate “the advice to cryptographically verify a allotment of abstracts is anchored to a blockchain,” and prove that the abstracts existed at the time it was anchored. “The final Chainpoint affidavit defines a aisle of operations that cryptographically links your abstracts to one or added blockchains,” the website explains.

Bitcoin’s Blockchain Timestamping Standards Face OffThe accepted adaptation of Chainpoint is 2.0. However, “the third above adaptation of the Chainpoint affidavit blueprint is currently in testing and appointed for absolution soon,” its website states. The new adaptation added than doubles the cardinal of variables acclimated to advice developers adapt Chainpoint’s usage, including one which makes timestamps human readable.

Conflict with Opentimestamps

Conflict reared its animal arch on Saturday back Chainpoint tweeted the account about its accessible adaptation 3 release. Peter Todd, the advance developer of aggressive accepted Opentimestamps, replied:

Although the two standards accept been developed separately, Todd believes that Bitcoin’s Blockchain Timestamping Standards Face OffChainpoint’s latest adaptation “mostly” copies his project’s code. “The @chainpnt 3.0 beta blueprint is a adaptation of @opentimestamps to JSON-LD, with some analogue changed, and an odd annex characterization scheme,” Todd tweeted.

Responding to Todd’s allegation, Tierion CEO and founder, Wayne Vaughan, accursed aback with the aforementioned accusation. He tweeted: “When you affected @chainpnt and didn’t accede our work, I didn’t complain, we aloof kept building. Quit whining @petertoddbtc.” Vaughan, however, did not acknowledge by columnist time back Todd asked for affirmation of his aspersing claim.

Standards Compared

Opentimestamps was Todd’s aboriginal Bitcoin project. The project started in April 2011 with its ancient Git commits that date aback to June 8, 2012. “Opentimestamps aims to be a accepted architecture for blockchain Bitcoin’s Blockchain Timestamping Standards Face Offtimestamping. The architecture is adjustable abundant to be bell-ringer and blockchain independent,” its website describes.

Like abounding of the ancient Bitcoin timestamping applications, the Opentimestamps website offers a way for anyone to brand and verify their own files on its advanced folio for free. Chainpoint’s website currently does not action that functionality.

Meanwhile, a blink at Chainpoint’s code on Github reveals that it was fabricated for the server ambiance only. A business application Chainpoint needs to alone install the server software, which gives its barter admission to the timestamping service. Its barter and business ally do not charge to install a abstracted program. Opentimestamps, however, requires barter to install a affairs in adjustment to admission a business’ timestamping service. Furthermore, Opentimestamps saves timestamps to the Bitcoin blockchain* admitting Chainpoint can additionally save to added blockchains.

* Update: For Opentimestamps, the absence calendars are Bitcoin-only but the basal agreement has Ethereum abutment as well. For added advice on Opentimestamps, see’s interview with Peter Todd here.

What do you anticipate of Chainpoint? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock, Chainpoint, and Opentimestamps

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