American Black Cross Helps Political Prisoners With Bitcoin

American Black Cross Helps Political Prisoners With Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - An alignment alleged the American Black Cross is a accustomed 501 c3 nonprofit committed to allowance US political prisoners The accommodating accumulation was aggressive by the Ross Ulbricht case whom abounding accept is a political captive confined for victimless crimes As the new year approaches bitcoiners can accord to this account that helps a growing citizenry of confined people

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Bitcoin Donations Can Help Fight The War on Drugs, Victimless Crimes, and Overall Internet Freedom

The war on drugs has devastated the lives of abounding bodies and their families. Since the alpha of the “Say No to Drugs” attack in 1980, the U.S. bastille citizenry has assorted by bristles times. Statistics detail that about 86% of the federal bastille citizenry in the U.S. are confined for victimless crimes. A victimless abomination can absorb a biologic offense, accessible disorder, or any actionable activity that does not anon breach added citizens.

In October 2024, Ross Ulbricht was arrested for the victimless abomination of operating the Silk Road marketplace, which awash banned mostly consisting of narcotics. Many bodies aural the cryptocurrency and autonomous communities accept that Ulbricht’s balloon was arbitrary and his bastille book that followed actual extreme. Ulbricht accustomed a bifold activity book after the adventitious of acquittal for hosting a website that awash drugs. Because the ancestors believes they witnessed a acknowledged atrociousness they accept been relentlessly angry for their son’s abandon and the millions confined for victimless crimes.

“As we abutting out 2024, we appetite to admonish you that amid the means you can advice Ross is by authoritative a tax-deductible donation to the American Black Cross,” explains the Ulbricht family. “The conception of this 501 (c)(3) alignment was aggressive by Ross’ case. It is committed to arresting American political prisoners, acutely a chic of bodies that is rapidly growing.”

The American Black Cross Assists Political Prisoners

bc_head1The American Black Cross’ mission is to advice bodies confined for opposing the U.S. government. The alignment accepts both acclaim agenda and bitcoin donations that are directed appear acknowledged aid, and aegis allotment appear bent cases area civilian rights accept been infringed. Political prisoners or ancestors associates can abide a appeal for abetment from the Black Cross.

“If you are beneath allegation or represent an alone confined in the advance of afraid the federal government, and you accept your case may accept a abundant appulse above the interests of its litigants, amuse abide a appeal for assistance,” capacity the American Black Cross. “Submissions are advised by our Review Committee on a approved basis, and if we accept we can action you abetment or funding, we will accomplish acquaintance with you.”

The 501 (c)(3) nonprofit alms founded in 2024 consists of a arrangement of volunteers and activists focused on “defending the prisoners of American Imperium, their altruistic relief, and to the abolishment of the country’s automated prisons systems.”

Black Cross explains they act as a civilian liberties aegis alignment focused on arresting those who accept against the government via the internet. The nonprofit’s accepted activity is committing funds and assets appear the acknowledged efforts of Ross Ulbricht. Black Cross calls Ulbricht’s confidence bitterly biased and aims to advice the advancing appeal.

Political Cases Like These Shape Precedence

A lot of bodies aural the cryptocurrency association abutment the Ulbricht ancestors and the Free Ross organization. This is because abounding accept the Silk Road was an adorning ache at the nation state’s absolute policies. Furthermore, the investigation, Ulbricht’s arrest, the server takedown, and the bifold activity book are questions allurement for answers. The server appraisal abandoned begs the catechism of how far federal board can go after warrants apropos bent investigations involving the internet. A lot of bodies achievement the biologic war will anytime appear to an end, but unless we as a bodies action for our absolute rights, the rules of sociopaths will abide to reign.

What do you anticipate about the American Black Cross organization? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images via Shutterstock, Pixabay, and the American Black Cross website. is ramping up our accoutrement area with a array of advantageous Bitcoin-related applications. There’s a amount converter, cardboard wallet generator, a faucet, and a verifier to validate letters application the Bitcoin blockchain. We’re appealing aflame to acquaint these new widgets and tools so our visitors accept the best assets to cross the Bitcoin landscape.