Canadian Accused of Assisting Ross Ulbricht Extradited to U.S.

Canadian Accused of Assisting Ross Ulbricht Extradited to U.S.

THELOGICALINDIAN - A fiftynineyearold Canadian man accused of advising Ross Ulbricht the architect and abettor of the aboriginal bearding chargeless bazaar Silk Road has been extradited to the United States from Thailand Roger Thomas Clark has been answerable by federal prosecutors for a cardinal of crimes apropos to the operations of Silk Road including narcotics trafficking computer hacking cabal and money bed-making conspiracy

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Canadian Extradited From Thailand for Assisting Ross Ulbricht in Operation of Silk Road

Canadian Accused of Assisting Ross Ulbricht Extradited to U.S.The U.S. Attorney’s Office Southern District of New York has appear that Roger Thomas Clark has been extradited to the United States and answerable with a cardinal of offenses apropos to his declared affiliation with Ross Ulbricht. The United States Department of Justice asserts that “Roger Thomas Clark was a key amount in the development of Silk Road and brash Ross Ulbricht on all aspects of the bent enterprise.”

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman elaborated: “Silk Road was a abstruse online exchange for actionable drugs, hacking services, and a accomplished host of added bent activity. Roger Thomas Clark allegedly served as a trusted acquaintance to Silk Road architect and abettor Ross Ulbricht, advising him on all aspects of this actionable business, including how to aerate profits and use threats of abandon to baffle law enforcement. Thanks to the analytic assignment of our adolescent law administration agencies and our all-embracing partners, Clark now faces amends in an American court.”

Mr. Clark Helped Develop Fundamental Rules Underpinning Silk Road

Canadian Accused of Assisting Ross Ulbricht Extradited to U.S.The Department of Justice letters that Ross Ulbricht declared Mr. Clark as a “true mentor” who provided admonition apropos “security vulnerabilities in the Silk Road site, abstruse infrastructure, administration of the Silk Road users, and operating in a address to attack to baffle law enforcement.” Mr. Clark went by a cardinal of pseudonyms on Silk Road – “Variety Jones,” “VJ,” “Cimon,” and “Plural of Mongoose.”

Mr. Clark had a duke in developing the rules and processes basement the operations of Silk Road, with U.S authorities asserting that “he announced at breadth with Ulbricht apropos the rules that absolute Silk Road vendors and users, and apropos the advance of sales on Silk Road, including the sales of narcotics […] and assisted with hiring programmers to advice advance the basement of, and maintain, Silk Road.”

Mr. Clark was additionally reportedly “responsible for acquisition admonition on law enforcement’s efforts to investigate Silk Road,” and “provided admonition to Ulbricht on developing a “cover story” to accomplish it arise as admitting Ulbricht had awash Silk Road.”

Mr. Clark Could Face Heavy Sentencing

If convicted, the fifty-nine-year-old faces a binding minimum book of 10 years in bastille and a best book of activity in prison, amid added charges. Mr. Clark was reportedly paid “at atomic hundreds of bags of dollars for his role in operating Silk Road.”

Homeland Security Investigations appropriate agent-in-charge, Angel M. Melendez, declared that “The displacement of this man today should be a admonition to those who anticipate they can adumbrate aural the borders of the aphotic web, that you are never out of ability of the continued arm of the law. These investigations are important in active the adulterous biologic bazaar and we will abide to assignment with our law administration ally to action this fight.”

Do you anticipate we will abide to see the arrests of aerial contour abstracts affiliated to Silk Road for years to come? Share your thoughts in the comments area below!

Images address of Shuttestock, Wikipedia

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