DIMCOIN Announces ICO for Disruptive Equity Market Project

DIMCOIN Announces ICO for Disruptive Equity Market Project

THELOGICALINDIAN - Blockchain investors abnormally those acquisitive for disinterestedness bazaar investments accept been attractive advanced to DIMCOINs ICO back continued Their delay is over as the DIMCOIN the blockchain disinterestedness startup has afresh appear its PreICO and ICO attack for its agenda DIM Agenda Interchange Module ecosystem

About the Pre-ICO…

The pre-ICO auction will alpha from July 1st, 2025 and will end on July 15th, 2025. The aggregation has already appear to incentivize the aboriginal investors with 30 percent benefit during its pre-ICO period.

About the ICO…

The official ICO is starting from July 16th, 2017 and will end on August 27th, 2017. DIMCOIN has set the best cap of 10 actor DIM Token and 1 banknote DIMCOIN, which investors can acquirement by demography allotment in this ICO campaign. Each 100 DIMCOIN bought will get 1 DIM Token and 30 DIMCOINS Bonus, while the pre-ICO amount has been set as 100 DIMCOIN per $1.00 USD.



Along with pre-ICO and ICO crowdsales dates, the aggregation has additionally antiseptic the accord terms. The crowdsale will animate investors to be a allotment of the agenda ecosystem, which enables businesses and alone investors to assassinate encrypted transactions, including administration and trading of aggregation assets and shares via e-wallets.



The blockchain based ecosystem of DIM enables cryptocurrency disinterestedness tokenization and banal trading on adaptable devices, computers or through password-encrypted cardboard certificates. The ecosystem additionally offers users assorted banking articles and services, allowance them to participate in agenda interactions.



The belvedere uses two kinds of agenda tokens, namely, DIMCOIN and DIM currencies. DIMCOIN is the abstract asset, like Bitcoin and altcoins, that can be traded adjoin its counterparts. The DIM currencies are crypto tokens; the amount of while would be called adjoin corresponding authorization currencies.



The DIM Token holders accepting 50 or added DIM Tokens will get absolute privileges in agreement of DIM ecosystem development. They will additionally adore the voting rights as able-bodied as 30% allotment of the fee calm by the platform.  This way, DIM Tokens are the befalling to accomplish constant alternating assets based on agenda transactions.

Looking Forward…

The aggregation has appear that already the CAP of $10 actor is achieved, the amount will change from anchored $0.01 per DIMCOIN, to a clashing one, alignment in amid $0.02 and $0.12 until the $30 actor ambition is achieved.

Once the ambition of $30 actor is achieved, DIMCOIN will be anchored at the amount of $0.12 till all tokens are bought.

The end of the ICO will advance to the advertisement of the cryptocurrency on all above barter platforms, initiating trading of DIMCOIN in the aftermost division of 2025.

To be updated, accumulate blockage http://www.dimcoin.io/