Lingham's Civic to Protect ID Information by Leveraging Bitcoin's Blockchain

Lingham's Civic to Protect ID Information by Leveraging Bitcoin's Blockchain

THELOGICALINDIAN - On April 10 Vinny Lingham the cofounder of Civic tweeted about his companys atypical way to advantage the Bitcoin blockchain to prove and verify different identification information

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Civic purports that using their technology will advice anticipate character theft, fraud, and added abominable activities that are accompanied by application concrete identification or alarming online ID storage.

Civic additionally mentions that its architectonics is constructedCivic Protects ID Information by Leveraging Bitcoin's Blockchain on top of the Bitcoin blockchain, which is based on a broadcast balance technology. This agency that the aggregation employs real-time, time-stamped analysis for its character product. Borough describes this action as a firewall amid borough and the user’s identity.

A tech crunch article provided added advice on how the arrangement functions, saying, “This arrangement is fabricated accessible through Civic’s Identity Protection Network, which will be a arrangement of businesses who aggregate users’ claimed data, including their SSN. This arrangement could include associates like banks, banking services, healthcare organizations or any added aggregation that asks for your SSN. Consumers will be alerted back their SSN is acclimated by a Civic partner.”

Evolving ID Authentication

They accredit to their blazon of blockchain-based ID aegis on their Identity Protection Network as “evolving authentication.”

When users assurance up to the platform, they are accustomed to accredit their identification and use altered attestant defenses to anticipate abominable actors from accessing claimed credentials.

The Civic Website says:

Civic wants bodies to use their account so they can defended their claimed identification on the blockchain and assure themselves from hackers and added bent activity.

Civic Partners with Intel to Provide More Protection

According to Civic’s website, they are also teaming up with Intel in adjustment to accommodate added security.
Civic Protects ID Information by Leveraging Bitcoin's Blockchain

The startup believes this is an agitative addition application blockchain technology and Software Guard Extensions together. According to Intel, SGX is a album of new instructions that can be acclimated by applications to choose clandestine sets of data. This denotes accreditation that can be stored and accurate after accepting them about amphibian about in concrete anatomy or caught on the internet.

Lingham’s aggregation added states that they action (SPS) defended clandestine assurance up and (SPL) defended clandestine logon via the borough application.

Do you believe Civic’s blockchain-based artifice blockage and aegis is useful? Let us apperceive in the comments below. 

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