Bitcoin Price Analysis for 22/02/2024 – Uptrend Gaining Traction

Bitcoin Price Analysis for 22/02/2024 – Uptrend Gaining Traction

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoin Price Key Highlights

Bitcoin amount is already afresh testing the ascent trend band abutment and ability be due for addition animation to its antecedent highs and beyond.

Nearby Support Zones

Bitcoin amount already bounced off the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement akin at $428.58 and appears accessible to ascend to the beat aerial at $447.94. However, buyers still assume afraid and are still cat-and-mouse for added beasts to accompany the fold.

For now, amount is blockage at the 50% Fib at $432.15 and ability charge addition quick analysis of the trend line, which curve up with the 100 SMA. Speaking of the affective averages, the concise 100 SMA is still aloft the longer-term 200 SMA so the uptrend could backpack on.

In addition, the affective averages are binding further apart, absorption a accretion in affairs pressure. In that case, amount could accept abundant drive to breach accomplished the $450 breadth and zoom up to the abutting abiding attrition at $465 again to $500.

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Stochastic is branch down, however, which suggests that sellers are in ascendancy of bitcoin amount activity for now. RSI is additionally pointing south but is abutting the oversold levels. Once these oscillators alpha axis higher, bitcoin amount could chase suit.

Market Events

The US dollar has been abrasion adjoin its higher-yielding aeon these canicule as all-around bread-and-butter arrest apropos accept been fading. However, a quick bender of profit-taking on Friday may accept been amenable for that aciculate bead in bitcoin, triggering addition pullback to the trend line.

Data from the US abridgement additionally came in stronger than accepted on Friday, as the banderole CPI acquaint a collapsed account instead of the estimated 0.1% abatement while the amount amount showed a stronger than accepted 0.3% accretion against the projected 0.2% uptick. The medium-tier US beam accomplishment PMI is due today.

There are no above letters lined up from the US abridgement this week, which suggests that bitcoin amount activity could mostly be apprenticed by accident sentiment. Recently, account about oil prices and a abeyant Brexit accept been influencing accident flows.

So far, activity admiral accept been clumsy to appear up with a accord to benumb production, abnormally back an Iranian official accepted that they had been able to addition achievement levels by 500,000 barrels per day as promised afterwards the Western sanctions were aerial beforehand this year.

More letters on added affairs to be captivated this anniversary could abide to accumulate hopes up for a amount bounce, acceptance bitcoin amount to authority on to its assets as well. On the added hand, lower allowance of a assembly cap could force bolt and cryptocurrencies to retreat.

Intraday abutment akin – $430

Intraday attrition akin – $450

Technical Indicators Settings:

Charts from Bitstamp, address of TradingView