Crescent Cash Users Can Now Send Bitcoin Cash Via Text Message

Crescent Cash Users Can Now Send Bitcoin Cash Via Text Message

THELOGICALINDIAN - On May 15 the BCHbased and accessible antecedent Android wallet Crescent Banknote launched a new affection that allows bodies to accelerate bitcoin banknote through a argument bulletin The SMS sending account added to the wallet is due to the latest accessible antecedent API alien by the crypto startup Cointext

Also read: Bitcoin Cash Protocol Successfully Upgrades — Schnorr Signatures Are Here

Crescent Cash Now Supports the Cointext API

Crescent Cash users can now accelerate bitcoin banknote to adaptable buzz numbers alike if they don’t own a BCH wallet. reported on the Crescent Banknote applicant during the aboriginal anniversary of April and explained how the bearding developer Pokkst became balked with the BTC network’s accepted ascent direction. So the programmer ported all of his BTC projects over to the BCH arrangement and has been steadily abacus to the Crescent Banknote wallet. The Crescent ablaze applicant accessible for Android operating systems was the third wallet to acquaint Cash Accounts addresses, a arrangement that gives bodies the adeptness to pay to a human-readable abode instead of a continued alphanumeric string. Then, a few weeks later, Pokkst introduced Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) abutment to the Crescent applicant and BCH admirers can now abundance SLP-based tokens in their wallet. Thanks to the open API offered by Cointext, the Crescent Banknote wallet can now accelerate BCH to adaptable phones.

Crescent Cash Users Can Now Send Bitcoin Cash Via Text Message

With the Crescent wallet, bodies can accelerate BCH through an SMS argument bulletin and the funds will be anon accessible to be re-spent appliance the Cointext application.

“Not alone can you accelerate to contacts, but you can manually blazon in a buzz cardinal and accelerate BCH instantly, wallet-to-wallet, on-chain, to any adaptable buzz in the 42 countries Cointext supports,” remarked the Cointext architect and CTO Vin Armani during the announcement. “Now senders don’t charge to use SMS to accelerate to buzz numbers,” Armani noted. “Nor do they charge to advance a antithesis at Cointext to use the SMS service.”

Crescent Cash Users Can Now Send Bitcoin Cash Via Text Message

Pokkst: ‘Bitcoin Cash Works Flawlessly, the Way BTC Used To’

Pokkst believes that the Bitcoin Banknote agreement works as Bitcoin was originally advised by alms peer-to-peer banknote affairs in a permissionless manner. The programmer has abundant that the BTC network’s aerial fees and capricious transaction times are absurd for a advantageous average of exchange. Moreover, the bearding architect thinks that the Lightning Network ascent band-aid is far too circuitous for accustomed users. During the advertisement Pokkst insisted:

The BCH association was pleased to apprehend about addition wallet that offers Cointext abilities. Electron Cash (EC) advance developer Jonald Fyookball showed interest in abacus the abstraction to the EC ablaze client. The Crescent Cash SMS affection application Cointext additionally supports BIP70 acquittal codes, which can be acclimated to pay Bitpay invoices. After the BCH alternation successfully upgraded and added Schnorr signatures on Wednesday, the Crescent Cash advertisement added to the excitement. “There is so abundant accident in BCH lately, that I’m accepting dizzy,” one user commented on the Crescent Cash advertisement post.

What do you anticipate about the Crescent Cash wallet implementing the Cointext API? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

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Image credits: Shutterstock, Crescent Cash, and Cointext logos, Twitter, and Pixabay.

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