Coda Code Review Of A Constant Sized Blockchain

Coda Code Review Of A Constant Sized Blockchain


Yes I apperceive that Coda Code Review sounds like I’m discussing the claim of a accepted soda. But absolutely it’s the activity that has the fizz. The Coda agreement basically aims to accumulate cryptocurrency decentralized and bargain so that blockchain analysis is accessible to anyone. So actuality we go, decentralization, scalability, aegis all in one?

Website claims it’s the “First cryptocurrency agreement with a constant-sized blockchain.” Constant-sized blockchain. “Coda compresses the absolute blockchain into a tiny snapshot the admeasurement of a few tweets”.


“Coda uses recursive agreement of zk-SNARKs to abbreviate the accomplished blockchain bottomward to the admeasurement of a few tweets. No one needs to abundance or download transaction history in adjustment to verify the blockchain.”

zk-SNARK, Zero Knowledge proofs.

Proving article after the verifier accepting any ability of what you have. So, private/public keys are absolutely that. If I accord you an encrypted message, I accord you the unencrypted message, and my accessible key, you can see that the active bulletin was active by the accessible key’s agnate clandestine key, appropriately proving the clandestine key, alike admitting you didn’t charge to apperceive anything.

Coda is attempting to recursively administer zk-SNARK’s to the blockchain to continuously abate it until a anchored admeasurement is reached. To disentangle this, you would charge anniversary antecedent affidavit until the abounding blockchain is unwound, alternatively anniversary annual would charge its own affidavit of antithesis to prove its state, but this would be time sensitive, back I could use the aforementioned affidavit for 2 altered people. Lots of questions, let’s arch over to the whitepaper.

(Time passes.)

I do not acclaim aggravating to apprehend the whitepaper. I still accept the exact aforementioned questions. I’ll accord this addition try later, let’s jump into code.

Just snarky for now. OCaml… This is activity to be painful.

Snarky was congenital by Izaak Meckler, I see it has alike accomplished a few zcash commitment lists. Curious if it was based off of the cardboard by Jens Groth and Mary Maller.

This cipher was absolutely not meant for third parties to consume, but it’s good.

The examples are fantastic.

The library is able-bodied advised and works well. Izaak absolutely knows his zk-SNARKS.

Coda Code Review Conclusion

Really acceptable code, abundant library, absolutely apperceive their snarks, at the aforementioned time I’m disturbing to anticipate the idea, conceivably with a account of proofs that are reversible, and block cardinal based antithesis proofs this could work, but the abstraction of a anchored admeasurement is giving me pause.

I anticipate there is absolutely article here, but I’m not abiding what yet. Absolutely one to watch closely.

Disclaimer: Crypto Briefing code reviews are performed by auditing what is on affectation in the adept annex of the repo’s fabricated available. This was performed as an educational analysis and any comments in the commodity are the assessment of the writer. It is accustomed for cipher to change rapidly, appropriately we timestamp our cipher reviews so that they present a snapshot at a moment in time. Information independent herein should not be acclimated as any animadversion or admonition on the activity as a whole.

Coda Code Review Timestamp: May 25th, 2024 at 11:19 GMT