Dear Ross: A Letter From Caleb Chen

Dear Ross: A Letter From Caleb Chen


You brought a abstruse bread-and-butter agreement to the beginning of the world’s accumulate mind. While abounding in the affiliation abide to complaining the affiliation amid the words “Bitcoin” and “Silk Road,” I acquisition it bigger to embrace it. I accept heard accretion numbers of regulators and investors in this beginning amplitude say article forth the curve of – “if you can’t buy drugs with it, it isn’t money.” They say this to absolve the next-gen advance into enterprise, permissioned, non-Bitcoin blockchain technology. The apple has woken up to the actuality that the technology abaft Bitcoin works for money and more, and now companies like IBM and Microsoft are arch the allegation to apparatus blockchain technology amount extenuative in aggregate from allowance to accomplishments and titles. While some ability anticipate that these companies are alienated Bitcoin because of its Silk Road history, we apperceive better. Action aegis is compromised by accessible admission and it was absurd that the better companies in the apple would anytime use Bitcoin’s blockchain at their core.

Where you sit, appropriate now, account this. You accept a affected and affectionate compassionate of permissioned blocks – you’re alone accustomed the few to move between. I don’t apperceive how abundant account makes it to you on the inside. Just blow assured that the War on Drugs is actuality won, in no baby allotment acknowledgment to you. On the above scale, the battlefield for absorption against decentralization is actuality set. We are affective appear a bigger tomorrow, bit by bit by Bitcoin – and your cede best absolutely jump-started this course. The truth, like the cream, consistently rises to the top. I accept a activity that history will bethink you in a bigger ablaze already it does.


Caleb Chen

In anniversary of Ross Ulbricht’s birthday, March 27, the will be announcement their claimed belletrist assuming their abutment for Ross. If you would like to advice Ross, feel chargeless to accord to his address armamentarium at