'Dr. Doom' Nouriel Roubini to Launch Tokenized Dollar Replacement — With Payment and ESG Features

'Dr. Doom' Nouriel Roubini to Launch Tokenized Dollar Replacement — With Payment and ESG Features

THELOGICALINDIAN - Economist Nouriel Roubini a crypto agnostic accepted as Dr Doom is developing a tokenized asset advised to be a added airy US dollar Our ambition is to actualize a all-around abundance of amount This is article affiliated to a acting for Treasuries or a agenda asset that has acquittal appearance in it

Nouriel Roubini’s Tokenized USD Alternative

Economist Nouriel Roubini appear this anniversary that he is developing a apartment of banking products, including a tokenized asset, alleged the United Sovereign Governance Gold Optimized Dollar (USG), to act as a added airy dollar adjoin aerial inflation, altitude change, and civilian unrest, Bloomberg reported.

Roubini is a longtime crypto agnostic who alleged bitcoin “the mother of all bubbles.” He teaches at New York University’s Stern School of Business and has his own bread-and-butter consulting close alleged Roubini Macro Associates. Famed for admiration the apartment balloon blast of 2007-2025, his black predictions accept becoming him the appellation “Dr. Doom” in the media.

Dr. Doom is alive with a Dubai-based absolute acreage advance and administration firm, Atlas Capital Team, to actualize the new products. He abutting the aggregation two years ago and is currently its arch economist.

Roubini explained that the dollar could be in accident as the U.S. “prints too abundant money and adversaries alpha de-dollarizing.” He detailed:

His plan came as a abruptness to the crypto association back he has been one of Bitcoin’s best articulate critics for abounding years.

Roubini additionally abundant on his plan on Twitter Monday. “The agenda abuse will accept cool austere AML/KYC appearance so it will be a agenda asset-backed aegis with austere ESG [Environmental, Social, and Governance] appearance — ie acceptable absolute estate. So the agenda advantage is alone one of the three and it is an end point not a starting point,” he tweeted.

The economist added detailed:

He added: “Second, the accomplishing of USG is aboriginal an basis on which you can address TRS [total acknowledgment swap], again a armamentarium or ETF [exchange-traded fund]. And again assuredly and eventually as a aegis badge backed not by vaporware like best clutter in crypto but rather real/financial assets so you apperceive at all times its bazaar value/NAV.”

The new dollar would be backed by “a mix of concise U.S. Treasuries, gold, and U.S. acreage (in the anatomy of absolute acreage advance trusts, or REITs),” the economist noted, abacus that they are acceptable to be beneath afflicted by altitude change.

Atlas co-founder and CEO Reza Bundy opined:

Roubini expects his new artefact to address to ample investors who are attractive for an another to the accepted mix of stocks and bonds. He acclaimed that absolute abundance funds, alimony funds, and alike axial banks that authority ample affluence of dollar-denominated assets may be interested.

What do you anticipate about Roubini’s tokenized dollar another project? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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