AOFEX Establishes its Taiwan Branch to Develop the South Asia Market
press releases

AOFEX Establishes its Taiwan Branch to Develop the South Asia Market

THELOGICALINDIAN - AOFEX will clearly authorize the Taiwan annex on December 3 2024 to enhance the all-around access of the cast as able-bodied as to bigger serve its all-around users The aperture of added bounded annex will aggrandize the all-around apportionment of OT belvedere badge and the adjustment of accordant applications aural its ecosystem which will added advance advance in new processes and access as able-bodied as new applications in the ecosystem AOFEX will barrage an accident with a alternation of surprises and allowances on the aforementioned day and with a betrayal of 260000 USDT to appearance acknowledgment to its loyal users as able-bodied as to acceptable new users For capacity amuse accredit to official announcement

Blockchain is advised an important active force in fintech, and it has the befalling to innovate the abundance arrangement of association from the abject layer. With autonomous and accessible authoritative policies, Taiwanese bazaar posts all-inclusive advance abeyant for the platform. Many investors with a focus in crypto and blockchain accept already paid abutting absorption to Taiwan and investments in the arena had abounding heavily in their portfolios. AOFEX recognizes the advance abeyant in arena and strives to advance adjustment of agenda banking casework in Taiwan and accompany able agenda banking casework to users in Taiwan.

Focused on the blockchain field, AOFEX is the all-around arch trading belvedere of agenda banking derivatives and has accustomed the US MSB license.AOFEX has accustomed its branches in the North America, Japan, Russia, and added countries and regions, accouterment secure, fair and able advance and trading acquaintance for over 1.80 actor users about the world. Relying on the OT (platform token), AOFEX has congenital a complete badge bread-and-butter arrangement to augment OT’s applications and abide to advance the advance and advance of the ecosystem. AOFEX will apparatus the bounded development strategies in Taiwan while aiming to aggrandize its aisle in added regions in the world. AOFEX believes that its all-around action with customized localization for anniversary arena will be able to serve its globally users and amuse bounded regulators.