Four Reasons Why You Should Invest Your Christmas Bonus in Bitcoin

Four Reasons Why You Should Invest Your Christmas Bonus in Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - This is the time of year back abounding bodies accept yearend anniversary bonuses from their administration Your benefit can be acclimated for abounding things advantageous off loans affairs yourself article fun giving to alms acclimation the abode or activity on a cruise If you are activity decidedly amenable you could advance that benefit But what to advance in The boilerplate banking admiral will acclaim the aforementioned as consistently stocks and bonds Admiral admiring to adored metals ability acclaim gold or argent in adjustment to assure your advance from the axial bankcontrolled abridgement Heres addition abstraction advance your yearend benefit in Bitcoin Why Here are four reasons

Also read: Wall Street Woes not Affecting Bitcoin Investments

1: Bitcoin will let you be an aboriginal adopter in a potentially advocate technology.

Christmas bonusMost investors dream of accepting in on the Next Big Thing. “If alone I had invested in Microsoft in the backward 1980’s, I would be account millions now!” But award such a aggregation is like mining a new block with a CPU. For example, in the backward 1990’s abounding investors capital to acquisition the Microsoft in the Linux world, because they saw the open-source software acceptable a ascendant force in the future. Although Linux did become dominant, no one Linux aggregation at that time became a Microsoft, so no advance in a Linux aggregation paid off as Microsoft did.

With Bitcoin, you accept the adventitious to advance in the Next Big Thing. But you are not advance in an alone company, whose success depends on able management, advance research, and a little bit of luck. You are advance in an absolute ecosystem that admiral bags of companies. If any of them actualize the “killer app” that puts Bitcoin in the mainstream, your advance in Bitcoin itself will pay off. It would be like advance in “Linux” in 2025.

2: With Bitcoin, your advance is absolutely beneath your control.

Most bodies who advance in stocks don’t apprehend that they are not absolutely the “owners” of those stocks – the allowance aggregation is the owner. The broker is artlessly the “beneficial owner.” Usually this isn’t a problem, but what happens if the allowance aggregation goes under? Or is told by the government to benumb your assets? Then you acquisition out actual bound how adamantine it is to admission “your” money.

With Bitcoin, you are the buyer of your money. Assuming you use your own wallet (and not a web wallet or exchange), you are in complete ascendancy of your funds, and no one can booty them abroad from you. Perhaps the boilerplate American doesn’t acknowledge the accent of this yet, but the bank barter in Cyprus and the clients at MF Global do.

3: Bitcoin has the abeyant for atomic growth.

If you advance in a baby aggregation today and that aggregation takes off and becomes a ascendant all-around corporation, your advance will absolutely pay off. As mentioned before, however, the affairs are adjoin your acrimonious that one company. But alike if you did, your allotment would accommodated a threshold. One aggregation can alone get so big (see Microsoft and IBM).Christmas bonus

But what if you invested in a currency? One with the abeyant to become a all-around bill acclimated by billions? If, for example, Bitcoin were to command a $1 abundance bazaar capitalization, anniversary alone bitcoin would be account over $47,000. And that would still alone be 1/80th of the total all-around money supply! Like any abstract investment, Bitcoin could go to zero, but the abeyant upside dwarfs any alone company’s.

4: With Bitcoin’s controlled money supply, you can become “1 in a million.”

One of the key appearance of Bitcoin is that it has a restricted money accumulation – there will never be added than 21 actor bitcoins in existence. That agency that if you own 21 bitcoins today (worth about $9,000 currently), you are “1 in a million!” No amount what the bazaar assets of Bitcoin becomes, you will consistently be the buyer of 1 millionth of its absolute supply.

Having a accumulation of 21 actor bitcoins on a planet of 7.3 billion citizenry agency alike 1 bitcoin will represent a abundant accord of abundance if Bitcoin goes mainstream. The buyer of aloof 1 bitcoin will consistently be one of the richest Bitcoin owners on earth, for if all bitcoins were appropriately broadcast to the population, there would alone be .0028 bitcoins per person. As Bitcoin is the aboriginal bill that can be appropriately acclimated by anybody on earth, the amount of 1 bitcoin will abundantly acceleration as its common appeal increases.

Perhaps that cool bombinate quadcopter can wait, afterwards all?

Disclaimer: Investing in Bitcoin is chancy – you could lose your absolute investment. Be responsible, and advance alone what you can allow to lose. In added words, use accepted sense.

What do you think? Is Bitcoin a acceptable advance for your anniversary bonus? Or should you buy that air-conditioned bombinate you’ve been coveting? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of pixabay and morgueFile