Hillary Clinton Does Not Stand for Women if She Doesn't Stand for Bitcoin

Hillary Clinton Does Not Stand for Women if She Doesn't Stand for Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - Just this accomplished anniversary Wikileaks appear Hillary Clintons accommodation to abstain accepting donations in Bitcoin for her presidential attack This aperture came on the heels of the Clinton Campaigns advertisement of an Initiative on Technology Innovation area she acclimated the byword accessible account blockchain applications in her angle So why would this selfproclaimed prowomen applicant adios a technology that can and already is transforming the lives of women globally

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Bitcoin Too Libertarian for Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton for President Campaign Chairman, John Podesta, accustomed a appeal to add the Ven agenda currency to the campaign’s donation platform.

In an email to his colleague, Podesta wrote:

“I don’t accelerate all the crazy account I apprehend about at fundraisers your way, but this seems absorbing and legit. Essentially agenda bill with a blooming bend as against to bitcoin’s autonomous Ayn Rand schtick.”


Several absorbing things to note. Where is Ven agenda bill acclimated that bitcoin is not? What is the bazaar basic of Ven agenda currency? Why the complete apology of Bitcoin and its affiliation with a solid changeable baton who had a able butt on economics?

To add insult to injury, back one reads through the abounding email chain, it’s bright that Podesta and the attack were absolutely alone attractive at a agenda bill for political reasons.  They aimed to bout the added advanced cerebration attributes of the of the Republican affair and presidential candidates like Rand Paul who became the aboriginal presidential applicant to accept donations in bitcoin.

Podesta wrote:

“As we discussed, Bitcoin is actuality acclimated on the Republican ancillary and could be a advantageous tool…”

Bitcoin Fuels Global Financial Freedom for Women

A recent Coindesk article entitled, “Making Sense of Hillary Clinton’s Bitcoin Rejection,” arena on the fretfulness of abounding in the Bitcoin community. Some key questions appear to mind: Why rationalize the bounce of a FinTech innovation? Why aboveboard accept that a applicant will abutment all blockchain applications back abnegation the analgesic appliance of the blockchain, Bitcoin? Why acclaim the absorption of a applicant in abstruse addition back she picks and chooses what is not too libertarian for her campaign’s liking?

One can attack to absolutely rationalize about anything. However, an accessible abnegation to proactively embrace a freedom-promoting bill should be a red flag.

What we do apperceive is that Bitcoin absolutely can and has already empowered women globally. Bitcoin can enable changeable entrepreneurs behindhand of their socioeconomic status. Women are added acceptable than men to be financially excluded. Upwards of 50% of women globally are financially excluded.

However, we apperceive that Bitcoin can accommodate an admission for these women to accompany a all-around abridgement and accept greater banking access. In countries like Saudi Arabia, area women are banned from accepting a coffer account, Bitcoin is a solution. Imagine actuality a woman in Saudi Arabia and actuality affected to accept a “male guardian” about accept of your accommodation to accessible a coffer account.

With Bitcoin, a woman can get started anywhere about the apple with internet affiliation and basal capital. With Bitcoin ATMs on the rise, purchasing Bitcoin with banknote is an alike greater achievability for these marginalized and afflicted women.

Bitcoin Women

So this brings us to the point — why doesn’t Hillary Clinton artlessly airing the airing and allocution the allocution and abutment an addition that goes above including women but absolutely proactively supports women?

Bitcoin Is a Tool for the Public to Hold Government Officials Accountable

We can brainstorm the above Secretary of State’s angle on Bitcoin from her Campaign Chairman’s email and additionally her accessible and nonprofit clue record. There is the simple adage, “tell me who your accompany are and I will acquaint you who you are.”

If Hillary is surrounding herself with top admiral who apish abandon announcement innovations, what does that appearance you? If we booty it a footfall added and accompaniment article like, “tell me who is financially abetment you and I will acquaint you what your behavior are….” it can be eye opening.

We afresh apperceive abounding able-bodied that Bitcoin provides achievement and admission to women in countries like Saudi Arabia, but we additionally apperceive that the Clinton Foundation accepted a donation of 50 actor USD from the government of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is not the alone anti-women and anti-LGBTQ country abetment the Foundation.

Hillary Clinton

Bitcoin is additionally a apparatus for individuals to advantage to authority the admiral that be accountable. With aborigine artifice on the acceleration and generally a abridgement of a accurate aisle of how aborigine dollars are absolutely spent, Bitcoin’s basal belvedere of the blockchain can accommodate greater accountability and transparency.

Again, we additionally apperceive that Hillary Clinton has struggled with afterward agreement that leaders and citizens akin chase in the areas of aegis clearances and not breaking the law by lying beneath oath.

So perhaps, sad but maybe true, she may not appetite to abutment a bill and a movement that can afford ablaze on aggressive bribery but additionally empower those who are the best accessible in the United States and globally.

We will leave it up to you to decide. What do you think? Why did Hillary Clinton adios accepting donations in Bitcoin? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images via Pexels, Flickr, GoldSilverBitcoin, Wikimedia Commons.

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