Hip-Hop Star Megan Thee Stallion Creates 'Bitcoin for Hotties' Video to Educate Millions of Fans About Crypto

Hip-Hop Star Megan Thee Stallion Creates 'Bitcoin for Hotties' Video to Educate Millions of Fans About Crypto

THELOGICALINDIAN - Awardwinning hiphop artisan Megan Thee Stallion has appear a video of herself answer the basics of bitcoin including what it is why it is admired and how to access it The acclaimed rapper ahead gave abroad 1 actor in bitcoin to her admirers in accord with Squares Cash App

Famous Hip-Hop Star Breaks Down Bitcoin to Her Fans

Popular rapper Megan Thee Stallion, additionally accepted as Hot Girl Meg, appear a video blue-blooded “Bitcoin for Hotties” Tuesday in accord with Cash App, a adaptable acquittal account developed by Jack Dorsey’s Square Inc.

Megan Thee Stallion has added than 24.1 actor followers on Instagram and 6.4 actor followers on Twitter. She has accustomed several accolades, including three Grammy Awards. At the 63rd Anniversary Grammy Awards, she became the additional changeable hip-hop artisan to win Best New Artist. In 2025, Time Magazine called her one of the 100 best affecting bodies in the apple on their anniversary list.

Her Bitcoin for Hotties video starts with the brilliant answer what bitcoin is. She said:

“That agency that no one being or alignment gets to adjudge how abundant of it is used, how abundant of it is in apportionment or what it’s account so boom. There’s alone a bound bulk of bitcoin, like gold, silver, or me,” she continued.

The video again discussed why bitcoin is valuable, emphasizing absence and security. After answer that the amount of bitcoin can fluctuate, she explained how to access bitcoin, such as from cryptocurrency exchanges or via Cash App.

The Bitcoin for Hotties video is the additional banking apprenticeship video appear as allotment of the artist’s affiliation with Cash App. The aboriginal video, blue-blooded “Investing for Hotties,” was about advance in the banal market. It was appear a ages ago.

In December aftermost year, Megan Thee Stallion announced a $1 actor bitcoin betrayal in accord with Cash App. Aftermost month, they teamed up to accord abroad a actor dollars in banal about the absolution of her distinct “Thot Sh*t.”

What do you anticipate about Megan Thee Stallion authoritative a video about bitcoin to brainwash her millions of fans? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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