Media Frenzy in Japan as Bic Camera Starts Accepting Bitcoin

Media Frenzy in Japan as Bic Camera Starts Accepting Bitcoin

THELOGICALINDIAN - Japans customer cyberbanking retail behemothic Bic Camera clearly began accepting Bitcoin payments on Friday at two of its food in Tokyo 28 media crews reportedly aggregate to awning the arch eventBitflyer which processes Bitcoin payments for the food has additionally launched a attack to accord abroad bitcoin to shoppers application its wallet

Also read: Bitcoin to Be Accepted at 260,000 Stores in Japan by This Summer

Bic Camera’s Bitcoin Premier afresh reported about the affiliation amid Bitflyer and Bic Camera for two of Bic Camera’s food in Tokyo to acquire Bitcoin payments. Starting on Friday, barter can pay application bitcoin at the Bic Camera abundance in Yurakucho district, and at Bicqlo Bic Camera abundance in Shinjuku East. The closing is a hybrid aperture with a behemothic accidental abrasion designer, manufacturer, and retailer, Uniqlo. Bic Camera admiral say added food could additionally alpha accepting bitcoin.

“You can use Bitcoin at best 100,000 yen for one payment. Other acquittal methods can be acclimated with Bitcoin together,” according to a Bic Camera’s promotional leaflet for Bitcoin payments. Customers can additionally aggregate accolade credibility aloof as they would application cash.

The accident has been covered by above Japanese media outlets including Nikkei and Asahi Shimbun newspapers, as able-bodied as a ample cardinal of media publications worldwide. In addition, Japan’s civic accessible broadcasting organization, NHK, has additionally aired a segment of the event. Bic Camera admiral apprehend adopted travelers to be amid the aboriginal to use bitcoin for payments but the cardinal of bounded Japanese users are additionally accepted “to acceleration eventually,” NHK reported.

Ken Shishido, one of the organizers of the Bitcoin Tokyo meetup group, describes Bic Camera food as a “Best Buy blazon of cyberbanking shop.” At the arch on Friday, Bitflyer CEO Yuzo Kano batten to the army and, according to a tweet by Shishido, he was “surrounded by 28 media crews at Bic Camera.”

Bitflyer’s Bitcoin Giveaways

Starting on Friday, Bitflyer is additionally active a campaign to accord abroad bitcoin to barter for arcade at the two Bic Camera food application a Bitflyer wallet. From April 7 to 19, Media Frenzy in Japan as Bic Camera Starts Accepting BitcoinBitflyer will accord the aboriginal 200 barter who achieve with Bitflyer wallet 500 yen account of bitcoin, the aggregation explains.

Additionally, during the aforementioned period, Bitflyer is additionally accompanying announcement its “Bitwire Shop” e-commerce account which allows barter to acquire bitcoin on their own websites. Anyone with an e-commerce website or blog can acquire Bitcoin acquittal aloof by inserting the Bitwire Shop URL assimilate it, according to a translation of Bitflyer’s description. For this campaign, the aggregation will accord the bitcoin agnate of 500 yen to 200 bodies who annals for Bitwire Shop ver2.1, and winners will be called by drawing.

In both cases, the winners will accept their bitcoin aural 5 business canicule afterwards the attack ends.

Media Frenzy in Japan as Bic Camera Starts Accepting Bitcoin

How abounding bodies do you anticipate will be application bitcoin at Bic Camera? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Bitflyer, Roger Ver, and Ken Shishido

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