Segwit Status Report – Here Are 10+ Lightning Network-Style Apps in Use Right Now

Segwit Status Report – Here Are 10+ Lightning Network-Style Apps in Use Right Now

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitcoincom afresh appear on Segregated Witness Segwit locking in on Litecoin On Wednesday the proposed Bitcoin agreement advancement assuredly activated on Litecoin It was followed hours after by the actual aboriginal Lightning Network acquittal on the capital Litecoin network

Also read: Segwit Locks In on Litecoin, Will Activate

Segwit Activated

Litecoin, the altcoin with the fourth largest bazaar cap of about $1.6 billion at the time of writing, is clearly active the Segwit advancement originally created to advice break Bitcoin’s ascent problems. On Wednesday May 10, Litecoin architect Charlie Lee tweeted,

Litecoin Activates Segwit, Completes Aboriginal Lightning Arrangement TransactionIn beneath than bisected an hour afterwards the announcement, the aboriginal Segwit transaction on Litecoin followed. Twitter was afire with well-wishers and Bitcoin developers talking about testing out Segwit for its assorted uses on the Litecoin network. “Thanks to activated segwit, Litecoin is a absolute testbed for btc these days,” tweeted Trezor CEO and Slush basin architect Marek Palatinus. “We can appraise bleeding bend tech after risking on btc.”

The afterward day Palatinus followed up with his own news of commutual the actual aboriginal Segwit transaction on the Litecoin arrangement application Trezor. Since his accouterments wallets authority litecoins as able-bodied as bitcoins, he appear that Segwit would anon be accessible in Trezor wallets.

Litecoin Activates Segwit, Completes First Lightning Network Transaction

The First Lightning Network Payment on Litecoin

Within hours of Segwit’s activation, Bitcoin developer Christian Decker completed the aboriginal Lightning Arrangement acquittal on Litecoin. This was the “first full, defended Lightning acquittal on a non-test network,” developer Rusty Russell described.

Decker opened a Lightning approach amid Lightning audience in Zurich and San Francisco account about 1.3 US cents. His analysis shows the achievability of “microscopic payments not commonly accessible or economically applicable on a blockchain”, Russell added. The transaction additionally absolutely acclimatized in a atom of a second.

Lightning Network Implementations that Support Litecoin

Lee confirmed in a cheep that four out of six implementations of the Lightning Network abutment Litecoin, answer that:

The Lightning Network projects that Lee mentioned are in assorted stages of completion. According to him, the four that abutment Litecoin are Lnd, Lit, C-lightning, and Eclair.

Lnd: Joseph Poon and Tadge Dryja’s Lightning Labs client, the Lightning Arrangement Daemon (Lnd), is the aboriginal lightning arrangement software applicant to be completed and acclimated by developers.

Lit: MIT Media Lab’s Lit is a failing applicant that does not charge a Bitcoin bulge to run and has a wallet congenital in. Its alpha release, announced on Wednesday, is accessible for testing now.

C-lightning: Blockstream’s c-lightning is the applicant Decker acclimated to accomplish the aboriginal litecoin transaction, but the activity is not clearly completed.

Eclair: Acinq’s eclair is the aboriginal Lightning Network applicant with a Graphical User Interface, area users can run their own lightning networks.

Amiko Pay: Amiko Pay is addition Lightning Network project, although it is not safe to use yet as several aegis measures accept yet to be coded.

Thunder: The aftermost Lightning Network that Lee mentioned is Blockchain’s Lightning applicant for Ethereum alleged Thunder. While the activity is far along, it is not advised to be implemented on Bitcoin.

Lightning Network Derivatives

Litecoin Activates Segwit, Completes First Lightning Network TransactionMeanwhile, some projects actuality formed on today for Bitcoin use acquittal channels like lightning networks already today in adjustment to accomplish the aforementioned benefits.

Moonbeam: A single-channel adaptation of a lightning network, Moonbeam, was afresh accomplished and released. “Moonbeam and Lightning both use acquittal channels to action Bitcoin payments off-chain but they accept altered architecture goals,” states the project’s Github page.

Yours: Ryan Charles has implemented a simple lightning arrangement for user­-to-­user micropayments on his accessible amusing agreeable belvedere Yours. While the capital allotment of the armpit is not yet launched, users can now analysis its micropayment arrangement application testnet coins. “Our technology is agnate to the lightning network, but does not depend on Segwit and can be acclimated on Bitcoin today,” he explained.

Lumino: RSK Chief Scientist Sergio Demain Lerner’s accessible Lumino is additionally an avant-garde acquired of a lightning network, but it is far from achievement at this time. “Lumino is a hub-and-spoke arrangement that uses off-chain payments agnate to the Lightning Network,” he told in an interview in March.

Bitcache: Even internet bad boy Kim Dotcom hinted that his still-unreleased Bitcache network, all-important to run the accessible Megaupload 2 (MU2), is a blazon of lightning network. No barrage date has been appear for Bitcache and MU2.

What do you anticipate of Litecoin active Lightning? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock, Litecoin, Charlie Lee, Youtube, Twitter, and Segwit

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