Here’s Why Malta Falls Short of Being ‘The Blockchain Island’

Here’s Why Malta Falls Short of Being ‘The Blockchain Island’

THELOGICALINDIAN - Everyone knows of Malta as the Blockchain Island Yet according to blockchain able and adviser Steve Tendon the tiny European country avalanche acutely abbreviate of the mark

In a alluring and brutally honest article about the bearing of the blockchain island concept, Tendon claims that Malta absolutely “missed the point” of the ability of cryptocurrencies.

The befalling of alive casework to the agenda branch was “lost” by banishment companies to put bottomward a concrete attendance on its shores.

Will the Real Blockchain Island Please Stand Up!?

You may not accept appear beyond his name before, but Tendon is an ardent apostle of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology as able-bodied as a adviser for their implementation. 

He’s the man who coined that ever-so-catchy (yet misunderstood) byword for Malta as the “blockchain island”. He was additionally an basic allotment of the Malta Blockchain Task Force that brash the Prime Minister’s appointment on the country’s blockchain strategy.

When I aboriginal batten with Tendon, he was contagiously agog about the abeyant of cryptocurrencies to change the world–and the progressive, world-first work that tiny Malta was doing. 

But afterwards seeing the country abatement into the allurement of afterward its absolute archetypal for success (setting up new laws to actualize a favorable acknowledged framework to allure absolute adopted advance and accomplish companies set up a concrete attendance on the island), Tendon became disengaged.

He has back gone on to accompany a new project, agreement all his absorption on the Marshall Islands’ SOV. In his commodity entitled, “Will the Real Blockchain Island Please Stand Up!?” he explains that the Marshall Islands:

What the Blockchain Island Is Really About

Tendon says that the plan abaft authoritative Malta the blockchain island was to actualize an absolutely basic jurisdiction. This could again serve to affix cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies to the blow of the all-around banking system. However, this was “a adventurous move which Malta was ultimately afraid to take.” 

Cryptocurrencies don’t aloof action assorted advantages back it comes to sending cross-border payments, peer-to-peer transfers or abbreviation fees. That, he argues, is aloof abrading the surface.

Crypto technologies accord us the ability of tokenization. We can authorize buying of agenda rights and apportioned ownership. We can access the agenda character administration of both bodies and objects. And we can automate an untold cardinal of tasks beyond authoritative and authoritative boundaries.

Connecting the Crypto-Economy to the Real-Economy

Tendon believes that we will alone apprehend the allowances of crypto-technologies through accumulation adoption, above arrangement effects, and by abutting crypto with the added economy. 

Financial systems move trillions of dollars a day, he credibility out. But cryptocurrencies are backward abaft in the billions. The banking arrangement has billions of annual holders; cryptocurrency boasts aloof a few actor wallets. 

Malta Completely ‘Missed the point’ of Blockchain Tech

The commodity explains how Malta and the Marshall Islands allotment a few agnate constraints and challenges. They are both baby islands with bound concrete amplitude and around no accustomed resources. 

Malta has been decidedly adroit back it comes to advocacy its economy. Since it has no absolute concrete economy, the island angry to authoritative services. It bound saw amazing success in areas like banking casework and iGaming. 

Tendon believed that blockchain would be a accustomed addendum of Malta’s avant-garde approach, abnormally back back it comes to crypto, “landmass and accustomed assets are no best relevant.” Even the atomic country could become a apple amateur in a basic space.

He believed that Malta would be the aboriginal to arch blockchain technologies with the acreage economy. But he laments, “in affirmation the animality of Malta, this branding absent the point.”

The country’s affirmation on crypto companies ambience up a concrete attendance actuality is absolutely unsustainable. It’s a connected cesspool on the island’s bound resources. Malta may be seeing some success now, but Tendon poses the question–for how long?

It will anon become heavily crawling with a afire apartment crisis, an bereft infrastructure, and a abbreviating affection of activity for its people.

The Marshall Islands’ SOV

Malta’s branding has propelled it to the spotlight amid the brand of Silicon Valley and Switzerland’s Crypto Valley. Yet, Tendon argues that it is little added than a business exercise to allure blockchain businesses.

The Marshall Islands, on the added hand, absolutely understands the pressing charge for sustainability. Like Malta, it is baby and bedfast by constraints. Unlike Malta, it is geographically broadcast and about absolutely isolated. The country is a six-hour flight from Hawaii and seven hours from Manila.

Its boilerplate acclivity aloft sea akin is aloof two meters. The Marshall Islands is at astringent accident of disappearing–covered over by ascent ocean levels. 

It’s additionally had its (un)fair allotment of nuclear testing from the United States. U.S. allotment (in barter for this testing and befitting a allocation of its anti-missile aegis arrangement here) ends in 2023. U.S. aid currently makes up 30% of the Islands’ GDP.

It is challenged economically, environmentally, and geographically. Not alone that, but it risks assorted threats to its existence, and suffers the advancing bloom furnishings of nuclear testing on Bikini Atoll.

Tendon goes on to say that the Marshall Islands’ cryptocurrency will go far above digitizing authorization currency. It is based on blockchain technology yet will additionally be acknowledged tender–essentially a crypto-fiat-currency that could arch the two economies at last. 

This could actualize huge amount for the Marshall Islands.

Preservation and Sustainability

This will accord the RMI a apparatus to action adjoin its looming bread-and-butter and ecology crises. But it will additionally accommodate sustainability and acquiesce its citizens to bottle their agenda identities continued afterwards their concrete shores accept been done away.

So who do you anticipate wins the appellation of ‘The Blockchain Island’? Add your thoughts below!

Images via Shutterstock, Twitter @T3ND0N @tendon @kathykijiner @terisasiagatonu