Mark Cuban to Elon Musk: Accepting Bitcoin Will Actually Benefit the Environment

Mark Cuban to Elon Musk: Accepting Bitcoin Will Actually Benefit the Environment

THELOGICALINDIAN - Shark Tank brilliant and the buyer of the NBA aggregation Dallas Mavericks Mark Cuban has fabricated an altercation that accepting cryptocurrencies including bitcoin will absolutely advice the ambiance He told Elon Musk whose electric car aggregation Tesla has abeyant accepting bitcoin citation ecology problems

Mark Cuban vs Elon Musk

Billionaire administrator and broker Mark Cuban has a bulletin for Elon Musk afterwards the Tesla CEO announced that his electric car aggregation has abeyant accepting bitcoin for payments. Cuban tweeted Wednesday:

Tesla cited ecology issues as the acumen for the abeyance of bitcoin acquittal acceptance. “We are anxious about rapidly accretion use of deposit fuels for bitcoin mining and transactions, abnormally coal, which has the affliction emissions of any fuel,” Tesla wrote.

Mark Cuban to Elon Musk: Accepting Bitcoin Will Actually Benefit the Environment

In his cheep to Musk, Cuban cited an article by The New York Times appear aback in 2005 that afford ablaze on the gold mining industry based on the publication’s months-long examination, including tours of gold mines in the American West, Latin America, Africa, and Europe.

“Some metal mines, including gold mines, accept become the near-equivalent of nuclear decay depression that charge be tended in perpetuity. Hard-rock mining generates added baneful decay than any added industry in the United States, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. The bureau estimated aftermost year that the amount of charwoman up metal mines could ability $54 billion,” the commodity details.

Another article Cuban referred to was appear by Moneyweek in January this year advantaged “Bitcoin does absorb a lot of activity — but here’s why it’s account it.” The commodity credibility out that abundant of the activity bitcoin mining consumers is renewable, acquainted that bisected of the all-around bitcoin mining takes abode in Sichuan, China, because of hydroelectricity.

“Roughly 5% of Sichuan bitcoin mining ability comes from nuclear or afire coal. 95% is from renewables,” the commodity says. Moreover, Coinshares’ analysis begin that the Bitcoin arrangement obtains 74% of its electricity from renewable sources.

In conclusion, Cuban added told Musk:

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