Roger Ver Donates $10K in Bitcoin Cash to Casa de Amparo Children’s Shelter

Roger Ver Donates $10K in Bitcoin Cash to Casa de Amparo Children’s Shelter

THELOGICALINDIAN - Just afresh Bitcoincoms Roger Ver donated 10000 account of bitcoin banknote to the accommodating alignment Casa de Amparo a 501c3 alms that helps accouchement escape adolescent corruption and carelessness Since 2024 Casa de Amparo has offered a countless of programs that advice those afflicted by and at accident of adolescent corruption in San Diego County

Casa de Amparo: A Major Force in the Field of Child Abuse Prevention

In the 2019 28th copy of the Adolescent Crime Report, it addendum that there are millions of U.S. accouchement who are accountable to assorted forms of neglect, concrete abuse, exact abuse, and animal abuse. Accouchement accept little choices and it is actual adamantine for them to escape abandon and corruption after advice from an adult. Back 1978, the nonprofit Casa de Amparo has been allowance accouchement who are currently afflicted by adolescent corruption or are at accident of maltreatment. Casa de Amparo has broadcast a abundant accord back it was initiated, and the alignment offers “six programs confined all of San Diego County, with locations in Oceanside and San Marcos.”

Roger Ver Donates $10K in Bitcoin Cash to Casa de Amparo Children’s Shelter

“Casa de Amparo was founded by a baby accumulation of bounded women anxious about calm abandon and the abundance of children,” explains the charity’s mission statement. “Led by the Women’s Resource Center and accurate by bounded police, this aggregation pushed for a safe home for accouchement (then accepted as The Crisis Center and now alleged Residential Services) for those afflicted by or at accident of adolescent abuse. It was at this point that Casa de Amparo opened its doors.” Casa de Amparo bulletin adds:

Roger Ver Donates $10K in Bitcoin Cash to Casa de Amparo Children’s Shelter

Ver Donates $10K to Casa de Amparo – And Peter McCormack’s Maximalism

On June 1, 2020,’s Roger Ver donated $10,000 in bitcoin cash to Casa de Amparo. Ver had donated to the children’s apartment area’s new podcast host, Dustin Plantholt, lived as a adolescent child. Plantholt is additionally currently a Board Member of Casa de Amparo. Ver donated the money to advice the Casa de Amparo children’s apartment because it was one of the hardest-hit programs, afterwards the coronavirus lockdowns and industry shutdowns aching the bounded economy.

“Roger affably fabricated the donation, aloft audition of the banking appulse to the home, that was acquired due to the Covid 19 impact,” Plantholt told Plantholt additionally abundant that readers can additionally accord via Casa de Amparo’s donation portal the nonprofit uses for cryptocurrency donations. Readers can additionally accord to Casa de Amparo via credit agenda donation as well.

Moreover, Ver had additionally challenged the host of the podcast “What Bitcoin Did,” Peter McCormack, to address a blog column documenting how Ver has allegedly aria to the crypto community. McCormack on abounding occasions about accused Roger Ver of cogent lies to the Bitcoin community, but fails to accord any absolute affirmation or prove it. The podcast host consistently resorts to analytic fallacies, ad hominem attacks, and abounding crypto users additionally accept McCormack doesn’t alike accept the technology he talks about.

Despite all the accusations, Ver had offered McCormack to artlessly “document in a blog post” all the lies he thinks Ver is cogent or has told. Just for autograph a blog post, Ver offered McCormack addition $10,000 to Casa de Amparo, if he artlessly wrote the blog post. However, McCormack has banned the offer, alike back Ver offered to accord $10K in the name of the alms of his choice. Unfortunately, McCormack wouldn’t booty Ver up on the action no amount the cause. After the offer, McCormack additionally claimed to be creating a actual documentary that will acceptable be abounding with maximalist revisionism, ad hominem attacks, harbinger men, and a poor compassionate of Satoshi’s gift.

Donations Help Provide a Capable Staff That Can Support the Youth During the Post-Covid-19 Economy

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Ver’s allowance of $10K account of bitcoin banknote to Casa de Amparo will go to accouchement in charge and kids who deserve shelter. Casa Ancestors affiliate and Executive Director Tamara Fleck-Myers afresh explained that the charity is adverse arduous times with the Covid-19 pandemic. Donations and association abutment accord Fleck-Myers, Plantholt, and added Casa Ancestors associates achievement that they can break “prepared and accept an amazing ancestors of agents able of acknowledging anniversary added and our adolescence during these times.”

What do you anticipate about Casa de Amparo and the contempo bitcoin banknote donation? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

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