THELOGICALINDIAN - Sina Weibo the Chinese agnate of Twitter banned the accounts of several key cryptocurrency and defi influencers in the country bygone according to letters from bounded sources This ability be a assiduity of the anticrypto attitude the Chinese accompaniment has been advance back 2025 and added greatly in the aftermost canicule with the crackdown of the accompaniment on crypto trading and mining
Sina Weibo Suspends Crypto-Related Accounts
Sina Weibo, the Chinese acting for Twitter, has afresh banned the accounts of a ample bulk of cryptocurrency and decentralized accounts (defi) accompanying accounts from its platform. This was announced by Colin Wu, a bounded cryptocurrency journalist, application his Twitter annual dubbed “Wu Blockchain.” According to the reporter, this ability be the analytic assiduity of the latest crackdown the Chinese government is orchestrating to ban trading and mining in its territory.
Wu states the abeyance of these accounts can accept an appulse on how Chinese traders conduct business from now on, due to its big following. Wu tweeted on the subject, declaring:
Weibo, alongside Wechat, is one of the best accepted amusing networks in the country, and a ample allotment of Chinese citizens use it circadian to be abreast about the account that is not commonly featured in boilerplate Chinese media. But, this another belvedere is additionally monitored and watched by government censors.
While Sina Weibo has not fabricated an official account of why these accounts accompanying to cryptocurrency were banned, all of the accounts accept a affair in common: they accept “Bitcoin” (比特币) in their user names.
Not the First Time
As alarming as this ability seem, this is not the aboriginal time that Sina Weibo applies accomplishments of this kind. Earlier this year, the amusing media belvedere additionally answerable adjoin the accounts of Okex, Huobi, and Binance by suspending them after any warning. This ability be aloof the alpha of a set of accomplishments directed to accent the advance on these activities at a acknowledged level. On this, Wu stated:
Several key exchanges and added companies accept preemptively exited China markets, as a attention admeasurement afore a accessible crackdown in the afterward months or canicule adjoin cryptocurrency-related activities.
What do you anticipate about Weibo’s aftermost accomplishments on crypto accounts? Tell us in the comments area below.
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