The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

THELOGICALINDIAN - Memes are the ammunition that admiral the cryptoconomy Exploitable angel macros shareable acronyms and abstruse injokes are the being that crypto is fabricated of To mark the aurora of a new decade newsBitcoincom has endeavored to archive the crypto memes that came to ascertain the aftermost one These are the 50 greatest cryptocurrency memes of all time

Also read: Cryptocurrency Memes: The Only Assets That Can Survive a Bear Market

Dank Memes from the Decade That Bitcoin Built

In December, Buzzfeed appear the 100 Best Memes of the Decade. While some of its selections can be questioned, the able-bodied accomplishment that went into accumulation it cannot. What follows is its crypto counterpart; an all-embracing attack to certificate the memes that accept shaped crypto ability back Bitcoin’s inception. There will accordingly be some that accept slipped the net, but accord or take, these are the crypto memes that shaped the aftermost decade.

Hey hey hey. If you don’t activate anniversary day by greeting your Telegram buddies and absent pillow accomplice with these words, do you alike crypto? For Carlos’ three-minute presentation alone, every band of which is a memetic classic, the Bitconnect ponzi was account it. All calm now: “Whatamigonnado?”

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

While we’re dabbing all over Bitconnect, Carlos Matos’ “That’s a scam!” burden has been abundantly activated to any crypto activity that the association takes a animosity to – decidedly back the haters are bitcoin maximalists, to whom aggregate bar BTC is a scam, including Ethereum and Monero.

A accomplished archetype of an bombastic meme, in the attitude of Pepe or Wojak, “That’s a scam!” has acquired over time, characterized by Leigh Cuen’s “Scam or Iteration?” Coindesk article on Ethereum at Devcon 2019, which was itself again memed by Aaron Van Wirdum in “Scam or Iteration — in Berlin, Bitcoin Diehards Still Believe in Lightning.”

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

In crypto, aggregate is allegedly a scam, which has the adverse aftereffect of authoritative annihilation a scam, and appropriately enabling arrant scams. Still, at atomic we got a nice meme out of it.

Not alone was abandoned Bitconnect apostle Trevon James amiss about the project’s legitimacy, but he absent out to Carlos back it came to abracadabra its best constant meme. “Technically you kinda absent your money” charcoal Trevon’s defining catchphrase, and one which has been activated to abounding consecutive crypto projects.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

Not all crypto memes are about scams, aloof as not all cryptocurrencies are scams, admitting what the aperture entries in this abstract may suggest. For a wholesome example, we can go to 2024 back a guy photobombed U.S. Federal Reserve armchair Janet Yellen with a “Buy bitcoin” assurance as she testified to Congress. Bitcoin Assurance Guy became the being of legend, and the abracadabra to “Buy bitcoin” has been shoehorned into the unlikeliest of places over the years, from the chicken belong protests in France to the streets of Hong Kong. Anywhere there’s annoyance with the cachet quo, “Buy bitcoin” artery art and slogans will follow.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

Who spawned this accurate crypto acronym? Do your own research.

Bitcoin maximalists are walking parodies of themselves, animate on annihilation added than the tears of altcoiners and slabs of steak. If you chase a plant-based diet, can you alike alarm yourself a bitcoiner?

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

Defined by Urban Dictionary as “Waking up and acumen your banking belief aloof went south…and you should accept accepted better,” accepting goxxed is 2014’s dankest crypto meme, alike if few were adulatory the verb at the time back Mt. Gox abolished with everyone’s coins.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

It was 2016 and a hacker had aloof exploited a vulnerability to cesspool The DAO acute arrangement of 3.6M ETH. In a chat with arch crypto exchanges, Vitalik Buterin attempted to absolute the damage, typing the now acclaimed words “ok can you guys stop trading.” Like abounding memes, his animadversion was taken out of ambience and is now acclimated in any bearings area bazaar abetment is suspected.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

In 2018, at the acme of the buck market, alone one affair could accelerate BTC aggressive again: crypto Twitter’s Romano to fly out to Vegas and eat a allotment of pornstar Brenna Sparks’ anatomy. He absolutely did it, the complete madman, and lo and behold, bitcoin rallied. The accretion was to be short-lived, however, with some suggesting that alone a reenactment of The Prophecy can acknowledgment bitcoin to its above highs.

While we’re accoutrement crypto influencers alliance to absorb anatomy parts, McAfee’s affiance to absorb Mini McAfee if bitcoin didn’t ability $1M in 2020 was recently rescinded, but the meme lives on.

Don’t aloof beam at the f***ing dip – buy it.

Nuff said.

Okay boomer wasn’t invented by the cryptosphere, but it was agilely adopted as a acknowledgment to gold bugs and bitcoin haters like Peter Schiff.

The NYT’s profile of bitcoin millionaires, bound at the acme of the bubble, was a meme cat-and-mouse to happen. Fast advanced a year and its animated protagonists’ faces had been replaced by arrant Wojaks and a adapted headline: Everyone Is Getting Hilariously Rekt and You’re Not.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

Maybe Satoshi is one person; maybe he’s many. Maybe he’s all of us.

A meme cryptocurrency aggressive by a meme dog complete with its own meme language, dogecoin was one of the cryptosphere’s ancient memetic successes. At Devcon 2024 in Osaka, Ethereum developers went agrarian over a bedfellow actualization from Kabosu aka the artifice that started it all. To this day, dogecoin is a top 30 cryptocurrency and its access extends to assuredly renaming Bitcoin’s four-yearly halving accident as The Halvening, in account of doge’s own 2024 slashing of the mining reward.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

In 2016, at the acme of the Segwit2x adamantine angle wars, Bitmain’s Jihan Wu tweeted a seven-word diss to @MrHodl and the insult ashore continued afterwards Wu went quiet on Twitter.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

See also: Vitalik adenoids picking.

The hodl meme has become article of a newb test. There are those who accept it’s an acronym for Hold On for Dear Life, and again there are those who got into crypto afore 2024.

Crypto’s agnate of deus vult, “Satoshi’s vision” is an alibi for con artists to absolve arrant behavior in the name of Bitcoin’s ancient founder. Want to angle Bitcoin and acutely change its agreement rules? Just decree it to be Satoshi’s eyes and you’re abiding to reel in a few suckers.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

A artful acknowledgment from shillers whose altcoins are auctioning is that they’re “in it for the tech” and accept no absorption in price. The burden is frequently memed application a account of “gold man,” an Indian who purchased a shirt fabricated out of 3kg of gold for $250,000. Sadly, he was reportedly aged to afterlife in 2016. The abode of his acclaimed shirt are unknown.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

If funds are safu, they’re safe. After the /biz/ messageboard riffed on a advance from Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao that user funds were safe, the meme caught light. Fast advanced a few months and CZ himself was accepting in on the act, culminating in Binance launching a Secure Asset Fund for Users (SAFU). Lesson: back the cryptosphere memes you, go forth with it, clashing our abutting candidate.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

When crypto Twitter broadcast @karbonbased mocked Samson Mow over his new adherent and her addict earlier training partner, the Blockstream CSO cried sexism and someone invoked DMCA appraisal notices in a bid to annihilate the meme. The Streisand Effect kicked in, and Gym Friend was immortalized.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

Would you like a duke with those crypto accoutrements you’re clutching?

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

Another throwaway Vitalik remark, this time to mark BCH overtaking ETH’s bazaar cap, that has back been memed merrily.

Like Jesus, we don’t apperceive what Satoshi Nakamoto looks like; the absent face of Dorian Nakamoto is acceptable as abutting as we’ll anytime get.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

After Litecoin’s Charlie Lee appear he had awash all his LTC in what accepted to be 2017’s bazaar top, Monero’s Riccardo Spagni joked that he had been clumsy to chase suit, accepting absent the clandestine keys to his XMR in a “horrible canoeing accident.”

Bitcoin fixes a lot of things – aloof not all of the things its proponents claim. Given their ability for touring BTC as a catholicon for all the world’s woes, it’s become accepted to adjoin “bitcoin fixes this” to things that BTC can’t possibly fix.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

Mainstream media are bedeviled with pinpointing the affidavit abaft bitcoin’s amount moves and are usually wrong. Why is BTC climbing? Because cardinal go up.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

As explains in its accomplished crypto memes series, the Bart arrangement is a blueprint that uncannily follows the contours of the Simpsons character’s head, noting:

When all abroad fails, there is bitcoin.

Lil Bubble’s achievement of accepted songs with lyrics black alt accoutrements is the acme of shitcoin karaoke.

When the bazaar is climbing, Wojak turns green. When it’s crashing, he turns a pinkish red. Like so abounding archetypal crypto memes, acclaim for this one goes to /biz/, 4chan’s meme factory. Wojaks are a simple yet devastatingly able announcement of banker affliction and ecstasy.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

Defined as “a bread that can be predicted to go to aught because of its awry fundamentals,” “shitcoin” abundantly fabricated it to the U.S. Senate Banking Committee aftermost year in Nouriel Roubini’s testimony. While its origins, like so abounding crypto memes, are adamantine to pin down, in an ANN thread on the Bitcointalk appointment in 2013, a bread of this name was launched with the tirade: “I’m so annoyed of seeing so abounding CrapCoins pop up accustomed and cipher at atomic admits their bread is absolute dogshit. So I’m ablution a new bread in hopes this will jump the CrapCoin Shark: SHIT. ShitCoin will be the better POS bread you’ve anytime seen. No, not Proof of Stake, that’s absurd, but “Piece Of Shit” coin.”

There accept been endless shitcoins since, but SHIT will abide the aboriginal and worst.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

Blame /biz/ for the actualization of the cosmetically sculpted Bogdanoff twins who, fable holds, ascendancy the crypto markets. You binding up and they’ll accomplish bitcoin pump. Buy BTC and they’ll blast the price. To be on the amiss end of a pump or dump is to be bogged by armament greater than you will anytime know.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

Possibly the world’s best accepted meme, Pepe the frog was accordingly accepted by the cryptosphere. Like Wojak, Pepe is decumbent to evolving rapidly, with contempo iterations seeing him reborn as Bobo the bear.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

Although not carefully a crypto meme, annihilation describes the affliction of hodling through a buck bazaar like Harold’s iconic grimace.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

The non-player appearance (NPC) meme was acclimated to pillory the left. Then addition accomplished that it applies altogether to Blockstream and their acolytes. “Bcash bad. BTC good.” Repeat afterwards activation anniversary morning, and if anyone disagrees on Twitter, be abiding to block and report.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

Lightning Network ability be abstract appropriate now, but aloof you delay – in 18 months it’ll be great.

Chainlink was aloof addition ICO badge borne forth by the hopes and prayers of its bagholders. Then the articulation marines of /biz/ began atrociously memeing its CEO Sergey Nazarov and a top 20 crypto was made.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

As anybody knows, the abode consistently wins, and there’s no greater champ than Bitmex and its perma-grinning CEO Arthur Hayes. For all his ebullience, there’s article maddening about those altogether white teeth and that ear to ear beam back you’ve aloof been forcibly liquidated.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

ICOs ability be dead, but the excuses trotted out by investors on the ICO bingo area abide as accurate today as ever.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

A archetypal 2024 meme that’s abiding to be adored in the abutting balderdash market.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

To acquaintance trading losses worse than Brendan Fraser’s annulment adjustment is to be justed. Just f*** my bits up fam.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

What’s worse – to be a nocoiner or a justed shitcoiner?

The actionable adage of /biz/ and the trading action of brainlets everywhere.

Regardless of who conceived it, this meme is now alike with Pomp.

It’s accessible to apish the asinine investments of shitcoiners, but anybody is a rekt pleb at atomic already in their trading career. Live and apprentice baby.

There aren’t abounding absolute crypto memes on this list, which says abundant about the amusement and tribalism of its community, but the abracadabra to accumulate bitcoin boring by stacking sats is one that anybody can support.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

Craig Wright’s bequest to Bitcoin will be alms it the appellation “Faketoshi” to call apocryphal messiahs gluttonous Satoshi’s crown.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

If sloganeering were an Olympic sport, Pomp would be a gold medalist.

When billionaire Calvin Ayre acquaint pictures of bubbler rum with the Cuban ball team, accompanied by a twerking video, crypto Twitter had a acreage day and – to bandy addition meme into the mix – after-effects haven’t been the aforementioned since.

A flippening occurs back one cryptocurrency leapfrogs another’s bazaar capitalization. BTC vs ETH was the aboriginal flippening. Then BTC vs BCH. Today, bill flippen one addition on a circadian basis, but BTC charcoal unvanquished.

When Craig Wright attempted to sue Hodlonaut for autograph beggarly words about him, the cryptosphere rallied about the bearding Twitter user. Dozens of bitcoiners adopted Hodlonaut’s avatar in a action of affront and the byword “We are all Hodlonaut” in a nod to the absolute Satoshi.

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

We’ll accomplishment with the ancestry of 2020’s aboriginal crypto meme – satoshism, the convenance of allotment religious qualities to Bitcoin’s creator, triggered by the furore over In the words of one commenter, “Convert to satoshism or die infidels.”

The Top 50 Crypto Memes of All Time

In no accurate order, those were the top 50 (okay, 57) crypto memes of the 2024s. Here’s acquisitive the new decade proves every bit as prolific.

What added crypto memes should accept fabricated this list? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

While every accomplishment has been fabricated to articulation to the creators of the images in this article, if you accept been overlooked, get in touch and acclaim will be assigned.

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